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Cats - all types just got a cat and hes not using the litter box
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Author | Topic: just got a cat and hes not using the litter box |
momma Member Posts: 19 |
posted 02-25-2004 02:32 PM
I just got a bengal cat out of the local news paper, and thought it was a good find since my bengal got stolen years ago! I brought him home with the understanding that he sprays when he see's other cats. Since there are no other cats around i thought my home would be good for him. Well he has been here for 3 days now and has used the litter box once after i found that he had pee'd all over my bed. I cleaned it up and washed every thing; but then i find that the next morning he pee'd again on my bed. I think i'm doing good by wanting to give "Ben" a good home but am starting to get concerned. He's 3 years old please help!!!! IP: Logged |
MaryNH Member Posts: 240 |
posted 02-25-2004 02:39 PM
check out Tally's Basic Cat Care site there is a wealth of info there regarding helping a cat overcome litterbox issues. You never know in his previous life he may have been scared away from his box by other cats, he may not like your choice in litter for him so you may have to try other litters to see if he'll accept one over the other. Best of luck and don't give up on him too soon...you might also want to have a urine check done on him to rule out any health issues. IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 02-25-2004 04:18 PM
I agree on having a UTI ruled out as a possible cause of his avoiding the litterbox. After a UTI is ruled out then I would confine him to a single room with his litterbox until he begins to use it regularly. If you're currently using a covered litterbox try using an open one or vice versa. You don't happen to have a down comforter on your bed do you? IP: Logged |
momma Member Posts: 19 |
posted 02-26-2004 08:31 AM
Yes i do have a feather bed blanket, nern. Will he want to use this for a wash-room spot? I did go out yesterday after talking to the local vet, who gave me some tips: he has now use the "new" litter box 3 time so far. Thanks to the one's that resonded!! any more info would be good. IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 02-26-2004 06:07 PM
quote: Well, I can't say for sure but it really seems like many cats find them attractive to urinate on. A number of people who have cats that urinate on their beds also seem to have down comforters on their beds. I could be wrong but I think there might be a connection.
quote: I'm so glad to hear that you are making progress. [This message has been edited by nern (edited 02-26-2004).] IP: Logged |
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