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Author | Topic: Question |
Milo Member Posts: 52 |
posted 02-12-2004 01:24 PM
I have a question. My 4 Month old Shih Poo has a "Dirty" habbit of getting close to me, you know, the sexual way. He is taking a liking to my leg's, back arm, You name it. He is always trying to "hump" it. Does anyone have any reason why and how to get him to stop. As much as i love him, i think there is a line somewhere. any advise would be great. Thanks, Christina IP: Logged |
larafacit New Member Posts: 3 |
posted 02-12-2004 02:48 PM
My shih-pooh had the same problem, especially with my son. I talked to the vet about it and she said that they are too young for it to be a sexual thing, but rather at this age it is more of a dominance issue. Basically your puppy is letting you know he is in charge. She said that when my puppy did this to my son he should say "NO" very firmly and then flip him onto his back. Hold him there until he relaxes. She said this will let the puppy know that the behavior is not acceptable and that you are in charge. It worked like a charm and we haven't had an incident after he practiced this for a couple of days! Best of luck! IP: Logged |
puttin510 Member Posts: 1179 |
posted 02-12-2004 03:14 PM
That sounds like sound advise to me. Even female dogs will do this. ------------------ IP: Logged |
Deb2950 Member Posts: 34 |
posted 02-12-2004 03:41 PM
jack, who was neutered at a little over 4 months exihibts this behaviour but, only with 1 item, the gray cushion from his crate. He will drag it out and really go to town. We figure it is the only girlfriend he will ever have so we named his cushion graycie. IP: Logged |
MyBabyShihPoo Member Posts: 206 |
posted 02-12-2004 05:44 PM
A few comments concerning this issue: ~At that young of an age, the humping behavior is more so an experimental thing rather than anything sexual. The behavior is COMPLETELY normal, it is not just specific to your dog, but that does not mean he should be allowed to do it. ~Your dog is nearing the appropriate time/age to be neutered, and I HIGHLY recommend doing so! The procedure often gets rid of the behavior. My two shih-poos were experimenting with that behavior, but only with each other (I know, not a pretty thought). Ever since their surgery, I have yet to see them exhibiting the behavior! ~As far as rolling the dog over on it's back. There really is no way to put this lightly, so here it goes: Such an action is referred to as an "Alpha Roll" and is a rather old technique. Quite frankly speaking, I WOULD NEVER EVER USE THAT TECHNIQUE ON MY DOGS, NOR ANY OTHER DOG. The man who wrote the book encouraging use of the infamous Alpha Roll is now DISCOURAGING it. Please read the article on the following site: http://www.coloradoan.com/news/stories/20021228/lifestyle/665086.html The alpha roll is very dangerous, physically and psychologically, and in many cases leads to serious problems in the dog on which the technique was used. As one person so intelligently stated why such a technique is not wise: "The only reason that a dog will FORCEFULLY flip another dog over on its back is to kill the animal. By forcing an animal to submit in that way you are literally putting the fear of death into them, they think you are trying to kill them. It is not surprising that a lot of people get bit trying to do the alpha roll - the dog believes that the human is trying to kill them so they try and defend themselves. Doing this behavior to an already dominant animal can increase the likelihood of aggression. Doing this to an already submissive animal will increase the fear in that animal - leading to submissive urination and possible fear biting. Hands should never, ever be used to hurt an animal - an alpha roll does just that and its efficacy at asserting dominance is next to zero." If I were the dog, hypothetically speaking, and such a behavior was practiced on me, I would probably stop too. But, unfortunately you have now made me fearful of you due the the death hold you forcefully put me in! Making your dog to submit/behave by FORCEFULLY making them fear you by threatening death is a perfect set-up for disaster. I don't know what else I can say to discourage such a technique, but please, do consider other more appropriate options. A trainer (who doesn't encourage it) should be able to help you out further! ~I did learn ways to stop such behaviors, and here are a few ideas 1) Firmly tell your dog "NO". 2) Make your dog sit when he attempts the behavior. 3) Distract him with a toy or chew. etc. (for more ideas, contact a trainer) When your dog stops with the use of any of the above ideas (or those you may gain from a trainer) be sure to reward him!!! --> If the behavior continues, remove the dog from the situation in the form of a short time out (NOT in a cage/kennel though!). OK, I think I am done ranting now! I will now step off my soapbox! LOL Good Luck,
[This message has been edited by MyBabyShihPoo (edited 02-12-2004).] [This message has been edited by MyBabyShihPoo (edited 02-12-2004).] IP: Logged |
ilovemaltipoos Member Posts: 177 |
posted 02-12-2004 06:28 PM
Babyshihpoo is right in this .A firm no will more than apt stop it and that flipping on the back is a sign that dogs do not like and can cause some problems . If they do that normally ,sleep on their backs ,means they feel secure .But to force them is not a good thing for you or your pet .Dominance issue ,yes .But Sam does his teddy bear but nothing else because we say no and he understands .It is a normal behavior pattern and females will also hump . IP: Logged |
MyBabyShihPoo Member Posts: 206 |
posted 02-12-2004 07:05 PM
Sorry, I must add one more thing that I forgot to mention in my previous post. (ilovemaltipoos did mention it, but I just wanted to add it to my post above) A firm "NO" should ALWAYS be said, as this lets your dog know that the behavior is not appropriate on humans. The sit, chew/toy, etc. (if needed) should follow the "NO". Just make sure to tell your dog "NO" everytime! Kristi IP: Logged |
MonsterBailey Member Posts: 146 |
posted 02-12-2004 08:18 PM
I ditto the advice above. My Bailey did the same thinggggggggg at that age. He started at around 3.5 - 4 months - we firmly told him NO and then he would stop. When he would occassionaly start up again (his poor stuffed piggie friend!), he would stop. The behavior pretty much halted after he was neutered at 6 months. IP: Logged |
Milo Member Posts: 52 |
posted 02-13-2004 05:33 AM
Thanks everyone. Usually what i do when he starts this "dirty" habbit is push him away. I spoke to the vet about this when it started happening and he said the same thing. He is just trying to be dominate in the relationship. The vet told me to just push him away and he will stop. I find that if i push him away he will just run back and start again. What i kind of find that helps is to just either put him on the floor or give him a chew toy. All of your information has been wonderful. I havn't neutered Milo (yet). we were actually planning on breeding him but since i have found out that he has luxating patella's we have decided that we wouldn't want to breed him with a chance that the little could get the same. Milo will go to the vet when he has finished developing, 6 months, and we will get the operation done. I also didn't know about the alpha roll, which to me makes perfect sence. I don't place milo on his back because it never occured to me that i should. But now that i know this information i will remember this and not apply it to him. Milo, to me, i think is not understanding where he is in the hiarcy line in our household (me, my boyfriend, milo). I think that because i am always the one who looks after him, cleans up his mess, plays with him, that he thinks that he is higher then me. As for my boyfriend, he is the more tougher one. If Milo does something he knows he isn't alowed to do, he will always look at my boyfriend and run away. Good news is that he starts him obedience school next sunday, hopefully this will help him learn everything that i can't teach him. Everyone has been great on this topic and i thank you all. You have all been great, and i got another question for you all. I'll start a new trend. With all the information everyone has been giving me, all my questions and problems that i am receiving with my pup will sure be all gone. Thanks, IP: Logged |
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