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- Dogs - Toy Dogs pomeranian puppy and chihuahua fight!!!!
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Author | Topic: pomeranian puppy and chihuahua fight!!!! |
mdman126 Member Posts: 35 |
posted 01-28-2004 08:09 AM
hi i had a male chihuahua for 6 months , he is 7 months old now, about 3 weeks a go i brought home a pomeranian male puppy as a playmate for the chihuahua. but they are fighting all the time. only sometimes when they are both tired they play. other than that they fight so bad all the time. do you guys know if they will be friends one day and not fight? and if yes how long is it gonna be? and are there things i can do to make them more friendly? thanks, gil IP: Logged |
3Dogsihave Member Posts: 156 |
posted 01-28-2004 12:52 PM
Hi there, are they actaully fighting or just rough play? I have two poms and sometimes it looks like the lion king part 3 but they are just roughhousing. If they get too rough and someone gets hurt she will yelp and the other will stop what she is doing. Just thought I would throw that in. Hope it gets better. IP: Logged |
mdman126 Member Posts: 35 |
posted 01-29-2004 05:12 PM
hi, ya they really fight, because one screams and as you said the otherone stops!!! thanks for reminding me, any other suggestions? thanks: gil IP: Logged |
puttin510 Member Posts: 1179 |
posted 01-29-2004 06:50 PM
If your pom is tormenting the chi like some pups do, the the chi is trying to show the pom how much can be tolerated. Even though the chi is only 6 months old he still is more mature. As long as no blood is being drawn and you are there watching them it should be ok. Puppies learn from older dogs and an older dog will set a pup straight when the pup plays too much. It is a good sign that they do play sometimes. Some dogs just don't like their personal space being invaded and will let the other dog know by nipping the bottom lip. Its kind of odd because really yours are babies teaching babies. It takes longer than 3 weeks sometimes months for them to tolerate each other or better yet the chi tolerate the pom.. Sooner or later the pom will fully understand. Don't be surprised if they never wnat to be best buds and sleep together. That is pretty much everyones dream. Mine like each other but my poodle does not let my terrier mix in her personal space. She will growl at him. At first rufus just wanted to play just like yours, but Sasha let him know quite a few times by the lip nip that she only plays on her terms. It will work but give it more time. Also, never leave your small dogs outside without being watched, I know someone that just had her pom stolen from her yard. People are crazy when it comes to small dogs. ------------------ [This message has been edited by puttin510 (edited 01-29-2004).] IP: Logged |
sox_the_sock_monkey New Member Posts: 8 |
posted 01-31-2004 12:33 PM
well my yorkie snickeres has a younger borther named puinkie and when sinckers gos to punkies house to play they fight ! all the time and snickers gets him good .. its mainly because they are both males and boy dogs are more ... more... more ..umm they need more attention when another dog is there and they also think that the male is trying to take over so they fight for it IP: Logged |
goofie_newfie686 Member Posts: 94 |
posted 02-03-2004 07:37 PM
if their not making one another bleed then its jsut puppy fighting. There jsut testing one anothers limits and are learning how to be calm and rouwdy. CLAIRE IP: Logged |
mdman126 Member Posts: 35 |
posted 02-04-2004 04:58 PM
i have not seen any blood, i hope they are going to be friends, thanks a lot, gil IP: Logged |
MyBabyShihPoo Member Posts: 206 |
posted 02-05-2004 07:51 PM
mdman126~ I sincerely do believe that time will be your best friend in this situation! I think it is a little premature to know whether or not they will ever become friends. Definitely let time take its course. Your two pups may never be best of buddies, although we can only hope, they just might learn to simply TOLERATE one another. Your chi is probably confused, and obviously upset, as to why all of a sudden another dog has come into "his" home where he has established his territory. Therefore, leading the chi defend his territory, which is coming out as intense aggression. Thus, your pom has no choice but to fight back. One more thing, if the fighting is severe, I would not recommend leaving them alone toghether w/out your close supervision. Kristi IP: Logged |
mdman126 Member Posts: 35 |
posted 02-05-2004 08:54 PM
kristi, thanks for the info. i am glad you replied. my 2.5 months old pomeranian also bites our feet so hard we don't know what to do? before he did that only in the morning but now we can't even walk in front of him!!! he is biting us all the time, do you know of any solutions? he does not care for toys at all, he chews on smoked bones for 2 minutes and lets go, he does not like any toys. thanks, gil IP: Logged |
MyBabyShihPoo Member Posts: 206 |
posted 02-06-2004 03:52 PM
mdman126~ Glad I could help! As far as your poms biting habit is concerned. Since your pom is only 2.5 mos. old, you have a definite advantage in regards to breaking the habit (generally, the older the dog, the harder the habit is to break)! Here is what I would recommend doing to help break your pom of his habit: A) Your pom is needing to learn what is referred to as bite inhibition. When your pom bites you, let out a loud, high-pitched yelp, walk away, and COMPLETELY ignore him/her. Yelping when your dog bites you mimics the exact nature of what dogs do when bit too hard by another dog (or gets hurt). You have probably heard your pom or chi yelp when a fight breaks out, that is the kind of sound you want to try and make. This lets your dog know in his/her "language" that the bite hurt and was unacceptable. Walking away from the dog and completely ignoring him/her takes away what is so important to every dog, and that is attention. Some dogs catch on very quickly, while others take a little longer, but this method is indeed very effective! B) Now you might ask, what if he keeps biting me after I yelp and walk away? If your dog does not respond to your yelp, and continues biting, then he needs to be removed from the situation. To do this, you simply put him in another room for a couple of minutes (sort of like a time-out). The room you place him in must not contain any individuals. He needs to be in there alone, so he does not have the opportunity to bite someone else. NOTE: DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT PUT HIM IN A CRATE as a form of punishment!!! C) After you have yelped, give him a bone or some sort of chew. When he starts biting/chewing at the bone or chew, praise him as to let him know that he is now exhibiting the desired and correct behavior! He will soon catch on and realize that chewing on bones/chews is acceptable, but with humans, it is not. You made mention of the fact that your pom doesn't seem to be incredibly interested in the smoked bones. I would go out and buy many different types of bones and chews to see which varieties he likes best; he is bound to like some of them out there. I know with my two pups, they only like certain types of bones, but there is a huge variety of bones out there, so I always have several types of bones and chews for them that they particularly like. One other note while on the topic of bones and chews, try to only have one type of bone out at a time. If you put several varieties out for your pom, he will probably chew at each one of them, then get bored of each of them. Give him one type, once he is finished with it, give him another type, etc. D) If you haven't done so already, I would highly recommend enrolling him in a high quality obedience/training class that includes "puppy playtime." During the time when the dogs play with one another, they are inadvertently learning bite inhibition from their play. How? Well, play among dogs is often inclusive of "play biting," and when one dog accidentally bites another dog too hard, the dog who was bitten too hard will let out a yelp. That yelp signals to the other dog that his/her bite was not tolerable and won't be accepted! (Hence, this is why you want to mimic that behavior as I mentioned up above in point A) Biting is a very natural behavior for a dog to exhibit, but that is not to say that it is admissible! Therefore, you need to be very persistent in correcting the behavior when it does happen. I will forewarn you, it may take some significant time, but the goal is most definitely achievable!!! Best of Luck, Quick note~ Never ever hit him when he bites. Hitting will cause further and more significant problems!!! IP: Logged |
mdman126 Member Posts: 35 |
posted 02-10-2004 08:58 AM
thanks a lot guys, my pom was behaving for 2 or 3 days, but today he is biting again, i dont know what happened to him? i am going to take him to puppy classes at Petsmart. i hope that will help, thanks, gil IP: Logged |
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