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- Dogs - Toy Dogs Crate/free run/one room???
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Author | Topic: Crate/free run/one room??? |
cindylou-poo2 Member Posts: 64 |
posted 11-11-2003 11:33 AM
Hello All, I hope some of you may have some advice... Any body with any experience please let me know what you would do... Thanks! IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 11-11-2003 02:49 PM
I would not allow her free roam of the house until you are sure she is fully housetrained and until you feel that you can trust her enough to be alone. I think it would be fine to crate train her now if that is what you want to do. IP: Logged |
goofie_newfie686 Member Posts: 94 |
posted 11-11-2003 07:41 PM
Crates are possibly the most important piece of eequiptment you could own. YES start crate trainning, keep it positvie, most crates come with a trainning manual. If your breeder is strongly against crates for some reason then consider purchasing a X-Larger wire crate (Look at them at www.nationalpetcages.com) they can still see out all sides of the crate but cant climb out or escape. If you decide not to crate then buy an Excercise pen(Ex-Pen) . Purchase a 4-5 foot high one and also a top for it (www.nationalpetcages.com)they're so convienient to put up and take down and can be moved through out the household. hope that help a little ~Claire IP: Logged |
cindylou-poo2 Member Posts: 64 |
posted 11-12-2003 07:25 AM
Thanks for the advise, Nern & Claire... How do I go about crate trainging if immediately I will be gone to work each day. Isn't that too long for her to be in from the beginning? IP: Logged |
cindylou-poo2 Member Posts: 64 |
posted 11-12-2003 07:33 AM
oops, Also do I leave water in the crate? Currently Abbey only has water when we are home, mornings and evenings. thanks! IP: Logged |
LauriB New Member Posts: 4 |
posted 11-12-2003 07:33 PM
Maybe you could stack two gates on one another so it is higher up. That might help. ------------------ IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 11-12-2003 09:31 PM
7 hrs in a crate seems like too long to me, then again I've never crate trained so maybe Im wrong. I confined my dog to the kitchen when she was a puppy but I did'nt use a baby gate I used a large wooden board....it was too high for her to jump over and there was no way for her to climb it. Maybe you can try putting a board in front of the baby gate? IP: Logged |
Diamond62203 New Member Posts: 9 |
posted 11-13-2003 07:28 AM
I was gonna say the same thing Nern....Moe, my Yorkie has mastered climbing over his gate. The problem is it has holes so with those LONG tallons it's easy for him to get a grip...for right now...I'm FORCED to close the door on him in the bath/dressing room...He has plenty of room...It's just that he has anxiety when I leave in the morings and gets upset...and jumps and whimpers like somebody is trying to kill him... But you know what, actually closing the door was not such a bad idea...I hear him whimpering and clawing at the door, but he's not quite as psychotic when he can actually SEE ME LEAVING... I've started crate training...He's seven months...I made the mistake of buying a cage way to large...about a $100.00 and I never even saw any improvement...Now I have a portable doggie crate...$65.00...and when I'm home and want to do some cleaning without the dog trying to chew the mop while i'm mopping...I put him in his crate for several hours at a time...Let him out to go to the bathroom then put him back.... Funny thing is...He's fine in there as long AS I"M IN THE SAME ROOM...but if I leave the room all hell breaks lose...I'm not gonna stop though cuz so far everybody seems to be on the crate training thing to teach puppies to hold it for awhile IP: Logged |
cindylou-poo2 Member Posts: 64 |
posted 11-13-2003 08:26 AM
Hello Everyone, thanks for all your advice. I think I am going to buy some large boards and try that to keep her in the kitchen. I'll let everyone know how it goes... Thanks! ------------------ IP: Logged |
goofie_newfie686 Member Posts: 94 |
posted 11-15-2003 10:12 PM
make the crate a happy place. Feed her her breakfast in the crate and then keep her in it for 3-5 min after shes done eating. Do you work the 9-5 hour job? it aint so bad as long as there trained for a crate(staying in it for long time) Crate her at night when you go to sleep think of it this way the average person with a 9-5 job goes to bed at 11:00pm and wakes up at 7:30 or 8:00 that 8 or more hours right there try to have a good play or run with her before you crate her for the day and its outside for a pee and a run AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME. you put her outside before you change even. And if shes quiet after her breakfast in the morning for that 3-5 mintues, when you let her out you act as if she has just won the Superbowl or Greycup. As far as water goes- unless she's sick dont leave her water in the crate because if she starts to spin around while making a 'nest' and spills it she has to go through the day all wet and with wet blankets. The dishes in the hooked trays dont spill as easily but they still can Glad to Help IP: Logged |
Dog_lover888 Member Posts: 10 |
posted 01-19-2004 02:16 PM
crates are good if you need them to be in a secure place if ur traveling with them or you going out for a while. When u at home u let it go crazyy evry where they like it taht way. And if you give them a room that would be better organized with a shelf for all they needs DUH CRATES ARE LIKE JAILS Bo0o IP: Logged |
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