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Cats - all types REMOVING CAT URINE-HELP!!
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noodles New Member Posts: 2 |
posted 03-01-2004 01:57 PM
My 16 year old (indoor) cat urinated in a corner of our dining room. She has always used her litter box! Because the odor is so difficult to remove we have taken up the carpet and padding and will have it replaced in the area she peed in. MY ?? What can I use on the cement floor and baseboards before we replace the carpet to totally eliminate the odor. Is there a household (like vinegar) item that I can use? Thank you very much. IP: Logged |
elizavixen Member Posts: 160 |
posted 03-01-2004 02:35 PM
Wow. If I replaced my carpet everytime my cat or dog peed where they weren't supposed to....well, I can't even imagine that. Just struck me as being kinda funny. But to answer your question, there is this stuff you can buy at pet stores called Nature's Miracle that is supposed to be really good. I guess if it is cement and you don't want to buy anything special, you could just use bleach water. IP: Logged |
Chessmind Member Posts: 701 |
posted 03-01-2004 05:33 PM
Hello. Welcome to the site. I agree with Elizavixen about the Nature's Miracle. Members here say it works very well. I know your kitty is getting up there in age at 16. Is she using the litter box now? If not you may want to take her to the vet to see if her urinating outside of the litter box is due to a medical condition. IP: Logged |
noodles New Member Posts: 2 |
posted 03-02-2004 06:05 AM
In regards to my 16 year old indoor cat urinating in one corner of the house.....yes, she still uses her litter box. Nothing else in our household has changed at all! It seems just to be this one corner she started peeing in a few weeks ago. Now that we have removed that portion of the carpet and scrubbed it with clorox and detergent....(and I sprayed Apple Cider Vinegar all around the surrounding carpet, this AM I noticed the peed on the part of the carpet that IS left closest to the part we pulled up. Where to you get the Nature's Miracle? Thank you very much! IP: Logged |
wtpooh Member Posts: 81 |
posted 03-02-2004 06:56 AM
I would take a trip to the vet. One of our 14 year old cats started urinating in two places in the house. I took him to the vet and found that he had a urinary tract infection. Within 2 days of starting his prescription the urinating stopped, and I'm sure he felt much better as well. IP: Logged |
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