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Cats - all types Nighttime Kitty Crazies
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Author | Topic: Nighttime Kitty Crazies |
winnie Member Posts: 107 |
posted 02-28-2004 08:17 PM
Hello...I have two kittens (7-8months old) I have had them both for four months now. I have been sleeping with my door open and I use to never hear them at night. However, these past couple of nights they have been going crazy at night playing...they run into the bedroom and any other room and slam agianst walls and knock things over. I'm worried my neighbors might hear them since i live in an apartment. So, I started closing my door at night. Tonight I started playing with them and a cat teaser before i go to bed, but they dont seem to ever get tired. How long do you think I should play with them before bed. I am hoping this will tire them out and they wont be so hyper at night. Any suggestions? Thanks IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 02-28-2004 10:31 PM
I would try and play with them until they no longer seemed interested in playing if thats possible. You could also try giving them a small meal before you go to bed....even if its just a small amount of canned food. This should help keep them calm for a while. My cats get sleepy after meals especially after they eat canned food. IP: Logged |
Chessmind Member Posts: 701 |
posted 02-29-2004 10:21 AM
Hello. Well, it seems like you are going about things in the right direction already. Try to get a lazer pointer too. I think they cost between $7-$10. This way you can relax yourself (sit on the sofa) while you're tiring you kitties out with the lazer pointer. Letting them eat some soft food after they have played will also help. Just be sure they get this shortly before you go to bed. Kittens do have have a lot of energy, but if you help tire them out you should be able to get some sleep yourself. Good luck. IP: Logged |
FMgurl43 Member Posts: 107 |
posted 02-29-2004 06:57 PM
i agree my cat chyanne was overweight not to long ago and she didnt seem interested in cat toys so i had a laser and she went crazy over it...i have kittens of my own that have to stay in at night and thats when they go crazy and play non stop they will jump on the bed chasing each other and wake me up etc... and i started feeding my cats wet food at 9 at night instead of 6 and they have seemed to calm down more at night.... IP: Logged |
Chessmind Member Posts: 701 |
posted 02-29-2004 07:32 PM
Also, if you have any catnip or catnip toys around the house, put those away at night. Cats tend to get a little goofy when catnip is around. IP: Logged |
luckyStar Member Posts: 14 |
posted 02-29-2004 09:58 PM
in my humble opinion, laser point would be a good choice to use it when u play with cats. i know cats go wild n crazy about that little dot on the wall trying to catch it. but did u know laser point devices r very dangerous to eyes (it's like starring directly into the high noon sun)? i've always had this temptation just to buy one for my cat, but knowing it might cause some damages to eyes of human, i'm still not sure what it will do to cat's eyes which r more sensivie to lights than humans'. this is just my opinion. i do own a good quality flash light that i can control the focus point (mine is heavy duty mag light) to cast a dot on the wall (not as much a dot compare to a laser point thou). n it seems like my cat loves it. about the catnip toys, i'm just fed up with the costs of cat toy. i usually make some my own. for catnip toys, i purchase a bag of catnip. then i'd use one of my old sock to make small ball of catnip toys. in my opinion, this works better since it smells more intensely. while i'm mkaing one of those, my cat waits for me in crazy temptation for me to toss it into the air. i've got like half a dozen in my place for my cat. now, i know u've talked about actives cat in the nite time. i have this thing that i've made for my cat. it consists of a stick, some length of thread, and a sock catnip ball. the thread/ribbon just simply connect the catnip ball and the stick. when i'm on my bed to sleep, i just grap it, n wave it about ten min. lucky would go crazy about it to catch it then he's exhuasted. maybe this would work, sicne it worked for three cats i've had. IP: Logged |
Chessmind Member Posts: 701 |
posted 03-01-2004 04:40 PM
LuckyStar: Hello. That's a good point about the lazer pointer and cat's eyes. That is true: don't shine the lazer pointer in their eyes. I wonder if the ones they make specially for cats are less/unharmful to their eyes than the ones made for 'office use.' Does anyone know? IP: Logged |
FMgurl43 Member Posts: 107 |
posted 03-01-2004 07:10 PM
i know that the laser that i have 4 my kitties came from the vets office i used to work at the doc used to recommend them to everyone to play w/ their cats... nothing has ever came up about how harfull they r but it is made especially 4 animals sooo... IP: Logged |
Chessmind Member Posts: 701 |
posted 03-01-2004 10:45 PM
Hello FMgurl43. My lazer pointer is for cats too. I wish I still had the box it came in. It might of answered my question about the eyes. You'de think that because it's made for cats that it should be safe, but maybe not. I'm not sure. I'll try and find out tomorrow when I go and buy Handsome some more food. IP: Logged |
luckyStar Member Posts: 14 |
posted 03-01-2004 11:10 PM
hello everyone. i've done some research about laser pointers. what i found is kinda confusing. some agree that it's safe as long as the lasers r classified as class II (much weaker and low spectrum then as the normal office use laser pointers) n don't directly put into the eyes, some says it's still dangerous.no matter what. maybe my research was too short, but i just want everyone here to be well-informed about it n do some research of own. ps: anyway, i woudn't have it for my cat until i get a very clear n definte clinical results. IP: Logged |
Chessmind Member Posts: 701 |
posted 03-01-2004 11:24 PM
Hello LuckyStar. Thanks for that info. Yes, please look into it some more. I will too. Let me know what you find out. I didn't know about the different classes. Good info. IP: Logged |
KayliPepi Member Posts: 16 |
posted 03-03-2004 06:24 PM
My kittys play at night, but I've grown accustomed to it, and trust me, I never thought I'd say that!! They sleep w/ me for about 4 hrs before they go batty, but by then, I'm long gone. We play with them a lil before bed and we feed them right before we hit the sack. IP: Logged |
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