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Cats - all types My cat wont eat what should i do?
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Author | Topic: My cat wont eat what should i do? |
justins New Member Posts: 7 |
posted 02-25-2004 12:49 AM
I have a 1 and a half year old male cat and just recently (the past week) he has stopped eating. I never see him do anything but hide under the bed sleeping, unless i manage to find him something he might lick at for a few minutes. He dosnt drink anything and everytime i pick him up and move him somewhere he eithor flops down and starts sleeping or goes back under the bed and hides some more. What should i do about this? its almost impossible for me to get to a vet for some help on this, so im hoping that someone can give me some ideas of pointers on the situation. thankyou IP: Logged |
charmedagain Member Posts: 790 |
posted 02-25-2004 05:17 AM
Hi you really need to get this cat to a vet ASAP as there sounds like there is something seriously wrong with him. He needs to eat and he defiantly needs fluid as cats dehydrate very fast so please take him in ASAP keep us posted of how he is doing. mike. boro_lad1976@hotmail.com IP: Logged |
MaryNH Member Posts: 240 |
posted 02-25-2004 05:33 AM
it doesn't take a cat long to have liver failure from going without eating...it would be in your best interest (and your cat's of course) for a vet visit. Either go now and have a relatively small bill or wait until the cat declines even further and have a huge bill. Preventative maintenance for any animal is much cheaper than waiting for it to be an emergency. You can try tuna juice...if that doesn't tempt him to eat nothing will. Don't wait too long - IP: Logged |
Chessmind Member Posts: 701 |
posted 02-25-2004 07:36 AM
Hello. I'm sorry your kitty is not well. However, he sounds sick and needs to see a vet. If you are worried about money, vets will take payment plans (a little every month) or you can take him to your local shelter/SPCA where they can treat him for less money (again they too would take payment plans). Please take him to the vet. IP: Logged |
justins New Member Posts: 7 |
posted 02-25-2004 10:48 AM
hello again this is a follow up of the my cat that was not eating. he was an outside cat 6 months ago but dogs started to become a problem so now he's an inside cat. So last night i tried giving him the entire house to himself and put all my other animals in the bedroom with me. I had given him tuna earlier and he did just drink the tuna juice and a few of the chunks so i took the rest, watered it down and stuck it in a blender. This morning when i went to take the bowl it was practicly empty and he came up and had a drink of water. He is still sleeping more then usual and im working on getting some canned cat food for him. And everyone told me to take him to the vet. I live in a small place called kyuquot, and getting to town alone costs me around $300.00, so you see what my problem is? Along with that i cant trust people out here to take it out to town themselves because around here people find it amusing to poison animals, shoot them, bash them on heads with masheddies, and any other horrible thing you could imagine. well I thank you for your quick reply ( my cat is drinking water as i type this..... YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) if you have any more suggestions or helpfull hints please let me know. P.S. Steven thanks you (the cat) IP: Logged |
MaryNH Member Posts: 240 |
posted 02-25-2004 12:12 PM
don't let him eat too much tuna fish as it has more salt in it than is food for a cat. But at least he's eating. The sooner you can get him some good cat food the better...at least he's eating. And I'm so glad you turned him into an inside-only cat - sounds like your environment isn't very cat friendly. IP: Logged |
dolly Member Posts: 84 |
posted 02-25-2004 12:58 PM
I agree with MaryNH in that you don't want to give him too much tuna, the fish itself isn't good for them in large quantitites. Baby food with meat or chicken may work but make sure it doesn't contain onion as this is also bad for cats. You may want to try slightly warming some canned food (but not too warm) as this makes it smell stronger. Good luck. IP: Logged |
lucidity03 Member Posts: 201 |
posted 02-25-2004 01:06 PM
Cats love strong smelling food, so I agree with the heat some canned food. When my cat had stopped eating at one point, I got some nutircal from the vet (could you order it or get it some way?) It's a paste that's very high in calories and it's intended for animals not eating/getting all the nutrition they need. Apparently, cats like to eat it. My vet also recommended baby food when we were trying to get out cat to eat. Our cat licked it off our fingers at first and that worked. Eventually, our cat did work up an appetite. But, that was after we knew what was wrong and took care of the problem with a vet. So, your situation sounds a bit different. I hope things work out. Good luck. IP: Logged |
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