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Cats - all types Separate litterboxes forever?
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Author | Topic: Separate litterboxes forever? |
empressjulz Member Posts: 64 |
posted 02-18-2004 10:00 PM
Hi guys, I need some advice. I brought back a male cat, three years old, a few weeks back. The eldest female in the house has not taken too well to him, and the hissing is stressing me out. Will this go on forever? Another problem, I live in a studio and can only afford to have one litter box. The other one is placed outside right now, in full view of the living room. I need to integrate them ASAP! Is there a way i can speed things up, or is it a possibility they can never be friends? ///ej ------------------ IP: Logged |
MaryNH Member Posts: 240 |
posted 02-19-2004 05:42 AM
rule of thumb is one litterbox per cat + one extra. I personally don't live by that rule I have 3 cats and 2 litterboxes and everyone seems happy with that arrangement. But if your cats are preferring to use separate boxes you might want to stick with it or someone might stop using their box. IP: Logged |
fleafly Member Posts: 996 |
posted 02-19-2004 09:59 PM
2 cats should be able to share a litterbox without a problem. It is just a turf issue right now. I would slowly move the extra litterbox to where you want it to be. Move it a few inches a day. Pretty soon they will be side by side and you can try integrating them if they tolerate them next to each other. IP: Logged |
wtpooh Member Posts: 81 |
posted 02-20-2004 04:32 AM
My sister and I moved in together a year ago. I had one 3 yr old female cat and she had 3 adult male cats. I also got a kitten in May. It was a fairly slow process but they all get along great now. There is of course some hissing that still goes on but after a year there has never been a fight***knocking on wood*** Just be patient and make sure you give them each plenty of one on one attention during the transition. As far as the litter box is concerned I would try what fleafly said. Good Luck! IP: Logged |
empressjulz Member Posts: 64 |
posted 02-20-2004 10:08 PM
thanks guys! wtpooh.... do all your cats use the same box now? i'm really curious. this seems to be taking a very very sslllooowwww amount of time for our eldest to take to the newest addition. it's been almost a month! just very anxious. the hissing is one thing, but the litter box is truly driving me mad! ///ej ------------------ IP: Logged |
wtpooh Member Posts: 81 |
posted 02-21-2004 02:20 PM
Your going to think I'm crazy but I only have two big litter boxes. I clean them every morning and every night. I have one of those neat liter lockers that makes it much easier. My 3 yr old cat had the toughest time with the transition. She had come from living myself and my roomate who had one cat to living in a house with 3 older male cats, 2 dogs, and then I got the kitten. To the best of my memory it was at least 2 months before she would freely walk around the house without being freaked out. Now everything is fine and she is fully adjusted to all the craziness of the house. IP: Logged |
ochsenschaedel New Member Posts: 2 |
posted 02-24-2004 10:28 AM
I have had more than one cat in the house many times but have never used more than one box. Cats are very territorial and they need time to adjust to the "invasion". Adults much more than kittens. The problem isn't the sharing of the box as much as it is the sharing of the house in general. Just be sure they see as much of each other as possible... it'll all be fine shortly. IP: Logged |
Tribu27 New Member Posts: 7 |
posted 02-24-2004 11:30 AM
Hi, I have two kittens and it took them about a week to get used to each other they both use the same litter box. It's important to keep it clean, I found thet if it isn't clean they tend to go beside the box. Good Luck! Out of curiousity I read that somebody had a litter locker what is it? IP: Logged |
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