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Cats - all types salivating cat!!!
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Author | Topic: salivating cat!!! |
jazz New Member Posts: 1 |
posted 02-05-2004 12:03 AM
For the past three or four months my cat has been drooling all over the place...I don't know if it is because of her age(she'll be 7 on easter)or if she is sick! Has anyone else had this problem with their cat and if so please help me to understand what is going on!!! IP: Logged |
Mab Member Posts: 24 |
posted 02-05-2004 04:28 AM
My cats drool when they have eaten something they don't like or have a horrible taste in their mouth. Since it has been going on a while, unless your cat only does it when it purrs (over excited cat drooling is quite common) I would get it to the vet. Your cat might have dental problems that need to be sorted out or some other kind of mouth problem. IP: Logged |
footsie Member Posts: 123 |
posted 02-05-2004 09:47 AM
My cat had a drooling episode a few weeks ago, but it only lasted a day. (Although it was an expensive day as he caused a short in some computer equipment!) My vet told me that since it stopped, that it was probably not a medical problem, but was caused by a mouth irritation. I believe now that he must have been chewing on a pothos plant (also called devil's ivy). I had gotten a list of toxic plants and pothos was not on it, but found out more recently that while it isn't toxic, it does cause mouth and throat irritation, as do dumb cane and philodendren. If you have any houseplants, especially and new ones, I'd check for teethmarks. Also, I posted about my cat's drooling at the time and someone left a helpfull link. I'll try to find it. IP: Logged |
footsie Member Posts: 123 |
posted 02-05-2004 09:53 AM
This is the link that Chessmind left when my cat was drooling. http://www.ivillage.com/pets/petsymptomsolver/mouth/pages/0,13523,413232_501266,00.html?arrivalSA=1&cobrandRef=0&arrival_freqCap=1&pba=adid=7027201 IP: Logged |
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