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Cats - all types Help!!! My cat won't stop peeing by the front door and i the vent.
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Author | Topic: Help!!! My cat won't stop peeing by the front door and i the vent. |
summertime New Member Posts: 5 |
posted 01-22-2004 07:04 PM
My cat won't stop peeing by the front door and in the vent by the front door. It's been going on for more than a year. The carpets in my house have been replaced with hardwood but she still hasen't stopped going back to that place. If i don't stop her my Mom is making me get rid of her.... PLEASE HELP!!!! -Summer IP: Logged |
Chessmind Member Posts: 701 |
posted 01-23-2004 11:30 AM
Hello. She may have a UTI (urinary tract infection). This is easily treated by a trip to the vet who will give you medication for her (not expensive to treat). When a cat has a UTI they may avoid urinating in the litter box as they associate it with pain. UTIs are painful. Please take her to the vet to rule this out. Keep us posted. IP: Logged |
summertime New Member Posts: 5 |
posted 01-23-2004 08:38 PM
I don't think it's UTI because she uses her cat box regularly and just sometimes goes and pees by the front door. She doesn't seem like anythings wrong with her either. She acts completely normal and healthy. If she had UTI wouldn't she go pee where ever she wanted? not just by the front door? Please keep posting solutions. Thanks -Summer IP: Logged |
Yahdah Member Posts: 75 |
posted 01-24-2004 02:41 AM
has she been desexed ? how old is she ? how long has she been doing this ? IP: Logged |
Chessmind Member Posts: 701 |
posted 01-24-2004 09:38 AM
Hello. I still think you should go to the vet to rule out any medical problems. If that's not the reason, then it could be behavioral. Or it could be due to something simple, like changing cat litter, keeping the box clean, getting one more litter box. To answer your question about UTI's and other medical reasons for urinating outside of the litter box. I have seen many cats act perfectly healthy, although they did in fact have medical reasons for improper urination. I have also seen cats urinate in the same spots each time they urinated when they had a UTI/medical problem. They often use the litter box to defecate, but not urinate. Every cat is different and their medical reasons for urinating outside of the litter box can range from mild to severe. I think this web site would help you a lot. Please just click on the link below. It has a lot of information to help you in your decision to resolve this issue. Keep us posted. http://www.happypetmobilevet.com/showpracfaq.cfm?FAQID=39&Private=0 IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 01-24-2004 10:09 AM
Are there any cats that hang around outside by your home? If so, maybe this is causing her to feel the need to mark her territory. You could try spraying Feliway in the area...its supposed to help stop territorial marking. [This message has been edited by nern (edited 01-24-2004).] IP: Logged |
summertime New Member Posts: 5 |
posted 01-24-2004 12:17 PM
She has been desexed, she is 5 years old, and she's been doing this for about a year and a bit. She is an indoor cat so i don't think she's marking her territory. i haven't seen any cats hanging around our house either. I will ask my mom if we can take to the vet to get checked out. Are there certian types of litter she may like more? would it help if i had another litter box? i Keep her box clean so i don't think thats the problem. Please keep me posted. Thanks. -Summer IP: Logged |
fleafly Member Posts: 996 |
posted 01-24-2004 12:43 PM
If it isn't medical, then it's behavioral. After you rule out a UTI and other medical problems. I would clean the area with Natures Miracle and try putting a litter box where she goes. Then you can slowly move the litter box back across the room to where you want it. IP: Logged |
summertime New Member Posts: 5 |
posted 01-24-2004 09:34 PM
I've tried putting her food by where she's been going before and it hasen't worked. I've also tried putting her litter box there but it didn't work either. i'll try using Natures Miracle and see if that works. Keep posting. Thanks -Summer IP: Logged |
summertime New Member Posts: 5 |
posted 01-28-2004 09:00 PM
i just cleaned her litter box and there was both types of clumps in it. the other day how ever she urinated in the vent again. this leads me to believe it is a behavioral problem. Is it possible she does it when she's mad about something? i really need to stop thiis soon because if she does it again my mom says she is going to take her to the SPCA...please help! thanks -Summer IP: Logged |
Chessmind Member Posts: 701 |
posted 01-29-2004 07:34 AM
Hello. You have to rule out a UTI first, before assume her condition is behavioral. A trip to the vet to see if she has a UTI, will not break your bank account. It's not expensive to treat. If you want to get to the bottom of this, go to the vet first or your local shelter (less expensive). You said the cat may end up at the shelter if this problem does not clear up. It would be a shame if this happened and the cat did have a UTI. IP: Logged |
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