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Cats - all types Food for thought...science diet yeh or nah?
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Author | Topic: Food for thought...science diet yeh or nah? |
LottynTrike Member Posts: 173 |
posted 01-21-2004 02:27 PM
I have another post on here about my new kitten, (check it out there is a link to a picture of her and I) on that post i was asking about science diet. that is what i am feeding her now. i want to start her life off right! you know make her a strong little kitten, but is there a better food out there? i thought science diet was one of the best, but i got some mixed reviews on that post. tell me what you think! what is the best food to feed my kitten? ... oh yeah and what about wet food? is it bad to feed a cat wet food? IP: Logged |
Bastet1066 Member Posts: 30 |
posted 01-21-2004 02:30 PM
Hey Lotty...I responded to your other post...but I didn't see any pics of your cutie? Did I miss the link? IP: Logged |
Bastet1066 Member Posts: 30 |
posted 01-21-2004 02:33 PM
Ooopsie. Found the link...what a cutie!!! She's beautiful. I hope she feels better soon. IP: Logged |
LottynTrike Member Posts: 173 |
posted 01-21-2004 02:37 PM
THanks!! she is feeling much better actually!! once i stopped feeding her went food her problem went away!! IP: Logged |
Yahdah Member Posts: 75 |
posted 01-21-2004 03:02 PM
I think you have to find a balance that suits the kitten/cat when it comes to diets. Everyone has a different view or opinion. I will just let you know what I feed my cats , pregnant queens, and kittens : cats - Hills science diet. I have been feeding this for years and certain cats are on the prescription diets eg T/D and C/Ds queens and kittens - hills science diet Kitten formula. excellent for pregnant or lactacting queens. orphan kittens - start off on DiVetalact milk replacement formula then wean onto cooked chicken, then water soaked science diet kitten dry. they all are offered raw chicken ( which has to be eaten immediately to stop bacteria growing on it and harming the cats ), cooked chicken, raw meat and sometimes chicken broth with vegetables ( soup ) Science diet is a well balanced nutritional diet and I have had no problems with it so far ( been feeding for 4 years now ) PS. the cat who gets C/Ds only gets crystals in her urine when she eats tinned food of FISH variety. When rehoming kittens or cats, I give this advice to the new owners "they wont get sick from NOT having any tinned food, but they mostly certainly will if you DO feed it to them" IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 01-21-2004 03:27 PM
The last kitten I had was raised on Innova dry and did very well on it. I've always given some canned food as well (about 1 - 2 oz. daily) to all of my cats and kittens and have never had any problems doing so. Maybe your kitten is just really sensitive or maybe you gave her too much. Canned food is a good thing....but probably not worth feeding if your cat gets digestive upsets from it. IP: Logged |
LottynTrike Member Posts: 173 |
posted 01-21-2004 09:54 PM
Thanks to all who replied. I was wounder who much is Innova, and where can you find it? is it in the same price range as Sciene diet or is it more, can you get it at petsmart or places like that??? ....what about chicken soup for the cat lovers soul?? IP: Logged |
amcfoto Member Posts: 43 |
posted 01-22-2004 05:59 AM
I am back to feeding my guys Science Diet Kitten. I switched them to that Chicken Soup food for a while and they loved it but it gave Sam the WORST gas!! Back on the Science Diet has been good and I think I will stick to that brand from now on. I just got a free bag of that natures variety science diet kitten so I'll try that one next and let you know. As for wet food, they get it every now and then as a treat and I usually get Fancy Feast. I do not give it to them on a regular basis although they do seem to love it. I think Science Diet is a good brand so if your kitty can tolerate it I'd stick with it! As for Innova - much more expensive than Science Diet. Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers Soul is a newer cat food and is not available many places. Is around the same price as Science Diet and my cats loved it but like I said...bad gas issues with it. You can go to their site http://www.chickensoupforthepetloverssoul.com and see where you can get a bag...maybe it won't have the same effect on your kitty! ------------------ http://amcfoto.tripod.com/kittyphotos/index.html [This message has been edited by amcfoto (edited 01-22-2004).] [This message has been edited by amcfoto (edited 01-22-2004).] IP: Logged |
catwoman Member Posts: 43 |
posted 01-22-2004 06:25 AM
Innova is an excellent cat food but it is pricey. I use to feed my cats this until I came up with having nine cats (LOL). I feed them the Chicken Soup brand. Has a lot of good ingredients, including cranberry, which is good for urinary tract problems. But some people have had trouble with their cats having gas using this. Perhaps it's all the vegetable matter they put in it. I have never noticed it on my cats however. They also have come out with a kitten formula. Another good quality food is Pinnacle, it's hard to find, you have to call around different pet and feed stores. Good luck and your kitty is sooo cute! IP: Logged |
LottynTrike Member Posts: 173 |
posted 01-22-2004 08:13 AM
OK about gas, Jack my older cat has never had a problem with it but Svetsy has. and her kitty box smells horrible. I had a friend who fed their dog science diet and they had a problem with gas. (Neko was a puppy at the time) so is it the food that causes this or just the fact that shes a kitten and is going to have room clearing poops? (its really bad) THe chicken soup sounds pretty good. I hope i dont have the same gas problem though. or maybe i will try the natural science diet. see if that works. its looks like its going to be trail and error from here. What about Eukunba (!!SPELLING!!) anyone try that. and one more thing!!!! (Sorry guys, i just ramble ) is it ok to switch your kitten and or cats food like this? Jack really likes that indoor cat formula stuff. i dont think he is going to want to change, but i am not sure if that food is really all that great for him. oh well thanks to all the responses!!! IP: Logged |
amcfoto Member Posts: 43 |
posted 01-22-2004 08:57 AM
I have switched my cats food from time to time and they seem to have no problems adjusting. I have gone from Iams one day to Science Diet the next and all seems well. Same thing when I switched to Chicken Soup and back again. My kitties are not picky at all though... ------------------ IP: Logged |
catwoman Member Posts: 43 |
posted 01-22-2004 09:57 AM
I don't know if you were aware, Eukanuba is made by Procter and Gamble, which also makes Iams. I didn't know if you were boycotting or not. Not saying you should, not saying you shouldn't, just letting you know that they make it. Before I read the horrible things about Iams and their testing labs, someone told me that the Eukanuba can cause urinary problems in cats. It was a local feed store that I went to before we moved. They carried all the brands so I didn't think they were dissing Eukanuba on purpose. I've had four kittens and never noticed them having gas. The only cat that I have that occasionally does is my aby. He's 2 1/2 now and only has gas if I startle him or pick him up if he's not expecting it. And his poop is sooooo stinky :-P He's always been this way, no matter what I feed them. Perhaps it's just the breed? I don't know. As far as changing foods. I would do it gradually. Mix a new one in with the old, that is if you are thinking about changing over to something else. Good luck :-) IP: Logged |
fleafly Member Posts: 996 |
posted 01-22-2004 12:22 PM
As for the price of Innova, where I live it is: 16.5 lbs 30.99 Chicken soup should be okay unless your cat farts anyway. The only ones who had problems with it were the two that farted to begin with. They didn't fart more or anything, but the farts were super stinky. You can't even imagine how bad they smelled. I really like Authority, Nutro Maxx, and Natural Balance. But do some experimenting different things work for different cats. IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 01-22-2004 02:46 PM
Here is the direct link to the store locator for Innova: http://naturapet.com/display.php?d=stores-tab I pay $25.00 for a 16.6 lb. and it lasts about 3wks for 6 cats. IP: Logged |
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