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Cats - all types Adopted two cats and they don’t get along - Help
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Author | Topic: Adopted two cats and they don’t get along - Help |
Hayley_M unregistered |
posted 11-05-2003 08:00 AM
I have just adopted a 4 month old male kitten. I then adopting an 8 week old kitten a few days later, thinking two cats would be better for companionship. I separated the for 24 hours but the older kitten is continuing to hiss, paw at the younger kitten. There are no very hostile fur flying fights but I would like them both to be comfortable. I have seen all teh advice on "Introducing Kittens" to each other and realise I have introduced to soon. Do I go right back to basics or is it too late o start again. Any Advice would be most appreciated. Hayley M. - UK IP: Logged |
beepbeep Member Posts: 97 |
posted 11-05-2003 09:39 AM
Its not to late. Just start over. Sometimes it just takes a bit longer for cats to adjust to new cats if they are also in a new home. Dont get worried, just give them time to accept the fact they are both cats and they could have some fun together I hope they adjust, please keep us posted on them. Good luck. ------------------ IP: Logged |
Maydays mom unregistered |
posted 11-05-2003 10:28 AM
Seperate the kitties into two seperate rooms. Take 2 towels and rub one each on both cats faces to attract their scent glands to the towel. Place the opposite towels under each kitties food bowl so they associate the smells of the other kitty with something positive such as eating. Keep them seperated for about a week and then swich their rooms. Leaving the other cats belongings in each room. Keep them seperated in each others areas for another week. Then take them to a neutral area and introduce them to each other. For each positive interaction praise and give treats. If there is a negative outcome try again. They will get it I promise IP: Logged |
Jamiya Member Posts: 1392 |
posted 11-05-2003 12:58 PM
I didn't know any of that when I got my second cat. She was a kitten and the older cat was about 5 months old. Several days went by with the older one hissing at the little one. We just watched to make sure she didn't get hurt. Within a week they were best buddies and still are, 13 years later.
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MaydaysMom Member Posts: 260 |
posted 11-05-2003 04:20 PM
Yeah some cats are easier to adjust then others. I do alot of cat rescues and this works for most of the extreme cat clashes we get calls on. IP: Logged |
CatGuy Member Posts: 17 |
posted 11-05-2003 09:52 PM
That sounds like great advice! IP: Logged |
CatLady Member Posts: 18 |
posted 11-06-2003 08:46 AM
I had one kitten and a week later got 2 more, and she hissed at them. She hated them, and was soo mad that they were there too. It took a good few weeks, but now they are the bestest of friends. It will be ok!! Just give it time!! IP: Logged |
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