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Cats - all types FIV HELPPPPPP
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Author | Topic: FIV HELPPPPPP |
miamouse New Member Posts: 9 |
posted 10-09-2003 09:42 AM
last month we finally were able to pet the young kitty (about 6 months old) who lived in our back yard, we have 2 other cats (11 and 6 years old) but we fell in love with her and as soon as she became "tame" we brought her in, and took her in for a bath and full grooming...we loved her so much.She got along great with our 11 year old male, but would try to fight with our 6 year old female, but she stayed in my bedroom most of the time lounging on the bed as frisky as could be. one month and 5 days passed and we found she had worms (no biggie all cats get them) so we took our baby "nala" to our local humane society for all her shots, well being a stray, they first gave her some test. the doctor came back 10 minutes later saying "it's not good, your cat has FIV cat AIDS" I burst into tears, "not my baby" "what if my other 2 cats have it now?" after some talking with the vet (who seemed kind of uncaring) they said she should be put to sleep, i was crying so loud in the vet as i held her on my lap, i couldnt let her go...not my baby. but the vet made it sound so ugly as if every cat who has it is caring the pleage. they asked if me and my dad wanted to be there when they did it, and i ran outside crying i couldnt, so we got in our truck and cried all the way home. well the thing that's eatting away at me is this: online it says cats who have FIV don't need to be put to sleep, so why did my vet want it done??? why???? at the time things happened so fast, and the nurse took her away quicky as if she was going to make us all sick...i feel like i murdered the best thing in my life, my baby kitty nala...she was only about 6 months old, not SICKY very very playful, loved me sooooo much...had worms and was very very skiny about 7 pounds but from living outside before we found her...was the vet wrong?? i'm having trouble living with myself now, i don't think the vet was right.. what do i do?? i miss her and i cant stop crying!!! -mia IP: Logged |
Newton the Cat Member Posts: 102 |
posted 10-09-2003 09:46 AM
Mia, I want to cry as I read your story. We all have had kitties we got close to at some point and then they were taken away from us, so I understand. That is so sad and heartbreaking. I am sorry it had to happen to you. I want to offer my condolences. I do not know a lot about feline aids, so I am going to leave that to someone who does. I just wanted to say I am sorry. NTC IP: Logged |
lucidity03 Member Posts: 201 |
posted 10-09-2003 11:02 AM
I'm so sorry I know that is the worst pain in the world. I don' t know much about the sickness, either. Luckily, all of my cats were negative when tested. But, I just wanted to share my sympathy with you. I'm very sorry to hear what happened... I know it's devistating. I'm sure over time that the hurt will dull a little. Maybe you can take comfort in your other kitties for now. My kitties keep me good company in my times of need. IP: Logged |
charmedagain Member Posts: 790 |
posted 10-09-2003 11:24 AM
Hi, I am so sorry about your kitty.. You should change vets as that one sounds as if he only in it to make the money from people.. Some cats that have FIV( Feline Immudodeficiency Virus) Can make a recovery if the problem is caught very early on, But even then there is no guarantee's that it will make a full recovery. My Mums kitty contracted the virus and we were sure that her other cats would also have it from coming in contact with him, But not one of them caught it. He started making a recovery but went down hill after about 4weeks we then realised the best and most caring thing to do was to have him put to sleep. Me and my mum cried alot as we had him from the day he was born we named him lucky because during birth he wasn't breathing and with a little persistants he started so he became our baby..So i can really sympathise with how your feeling.... It's unknown how some cats contract this virus and others do not... i have added this link it explains about the virus treatment and so on hope its of use to you and can help you understand the virus itself... Again my condolences to you xxxx mike mike IP: Logged |
miamouse New Member Posts: 9 |
posted 10-09-2003 04:43 PM
thank you everyone know replied, it helps soo much, thank you all! -mia IP: Logged |
Greypaw Member Posts: 83 |
posted 10-09-2003 10:12 PM
I'm very sorry for you. Your story made me so angery! First of all don't ever take another cat to that vet. They should have explained FIV to you, and it certainly wasn't up to them to put any of your cats to sleep. Even if she was a 'stray', you had tamed her and bonded with her so she was yours. I can only guess that she was very sick and they believed that being a stray she wouldn't get the intensive and expensive care she needed to give her a chance. She was very young and young cats have a hard enough time fighting illness, let along FIV aswell. FIV takes away the body's ability to fight illness as well as it should, and yes she may have survived and lived for a few years even, but she might not have either. I don't think the humane society is prepared to help expensive cases that don't have good chances. They are like the SPCA. They have limited funds and a very hard attitude. I'm sorry you found out about it the hard way. As for your other cats, they should be fine. FIV is transfered from deep cat bites, and these typically form abscesses. So as long as she didn't bite either of them (badly) then they will be fine. A year ago my best feline friend ever (silver tabby) tested positive with FIV and we had two other cats. One was his litter mate and fighting pal (they were 14 years old) so I had him tested too. His brother came up negitive and they groomed each other and play fought all the time. I don't know how long my cat had AIDS it may have been half his life, but we found out just before he died. I had to put him down because his body was dying. His blood was see-through and yellow. It was very sad. Up till then I'd been terrified of vets and their 'power' to do what that vet did to you. I had thought all vets were like that but they're not. My vet I have now did so much to save Mouser's life. He told me recently that he wouldn't have done it any different if he'd known Mouser had FIV anyway. He said 'We don't put cat's down for AIDS'. It was nice to know some vets are very very cool. I feel your pain, and I'm sure everyone here feels for you too. Give your other cats a big hug. IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 10-09-2003 11:02 PM
Im so sorry for your loss. Last year my grandmother had to put down an FIV cat...it was very hard on her. It took her so long to gain this cat's trust (formally a feral) but she finally did only to find out it had FIV and was very sick and had to be euthanized. [This message has been edited by nern (edited 10-09-2003).] IP: Logged |
miamouse New Member Posts: 9 |
posted 10-09-2003 11:10 PM
thank you everyone, i still feel like its my fault..i wish i could go back to yesterday and stopped them, she was put to sleep already, i called them today trying to see if they still might have not put her down after reading about it online, they she she was already put down then they got upset that i called crying. IP: Logged |
MattFugs New Member Posts: 3 |
posted 10-10-2003 08:01 AM
We had a similiar situation at my parents. We have rescued and spayed a mom and three kittens, luckily none have FIV. However there was one that came around months later that was really cute. My uncle wanted him as a pet. He was so nice. He would roll around on the floor and purr and loved to be held. We bought him to vet. The vet had him neutered and then told my uncle he had FIV. My uncle decided not to put him down. I have talked many vets and their assistants, some have cats that FIV and live a normal life for years. In my uncle's case, he read of a farm in Pennsylvania, near Happy Valley (Penn State U.) that takes cares of cats that are sick or unwanted. He made a small donation to the people who run it and they came and took the cat away. They actually wrote him a couple time letting know how Rollie Pollie was doing. From what he told me is that he has acres to run around with other cats with FIV. The local Vet school and I think Purina help with free food and vet visits. I wish I could remember the place's name. IP: Logged |
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