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Cats - all types diarrah
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Author | Topic: diarrah |
cashpoly Member Posts: 15 |
posted 09-21-2003 09:47 PM
I just got a kittie 5 months old, she poo ed three times since I got her 2 days ago, and they are all watery. previous owner took her to the vet, and got a pill for her to take but not until one month from now. I'm just wondering what I should do in the meantime to help her, and feed her. I'm feeding her canned food and some how she likes cereal in a little milk. she's not all that enegetic and barely play,always lying down.what should I do??? IP: Logged |
Jamiya Member Posts: 1392 |
posted 09-22-2003 06:18 AM
I would take her to the vet for a check up. Are you feeding the same food that the previous owner was? A change in diet could make her tummy not feel good. I have never fed wet food. We have always fed dry - first Science Diet and now a prescription diet for urinary tract infections. You might be careful of milk, too. Most cats are lactose intolerant. I would definitely take her to the vet, though. Every new animal should get a check-up - the cost should be considered a part of the purchase price.
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wtpooh Member Posts: 81 |
posted 09-22-2003 06:35 AM
Definitely take her to the vet yourself. Something sounds strange to me about a vet giving the previous owner a pill to take but waiting a month to do so?? Was the pill for the diarrhea? She could be dehydraded as well. Is she drinking water? The one thing I always suggest here is something my vet told me when I got my kitten and it worked for diarrhea. I mixed equal parts of cooked white rice and boiled chicken in a blender to the consistancy of baby food. And like Jamiya said about milk...be careful. This too could be the cause. As much as kitties love it it's not good for them. Good Luck and keep us posted! IP: Logged |
Cat Member Posts: 141 |
posted 09-22-2003 07:50 AM
Canned food is very good for cats for the moisture content. Many vets will tell you to feed a combination of both wet and dry food. I had a kitten that constantly had loose stools for ages and our vet told us to feed her a diet of raw meat to let her bowels heal - she was weaned way too young and was eating cat food too early. Her bowels became inflammed and never healed properly. After a couple weeks of raw meat we saw a big improvement in her stools and she was able to eat all sorts of foods afterwards. There is a milk on the market for cat - not just kittens. I think Purina makes it and it contains taurine without any lactose. It tastes much like condensed milk and my cats love it. You should be able to find it in your cat food section and Walmart carries it. Good luck. [This message has been edited by Cat (edited 09-22-2003).] IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 09-22-2003 08:13 AM
Stop giving her milk and cereal....that is most likely what is causing the problem. IP: Logged |
fleafly Member Posts: 996 |
posted 09-22-2003 10:32 AM
I'm guessing the pill is for worms. When I treated my cats for worms they got a dose, then they got another dose that they had to take in a month. Milk gives kittens diarrhea. Give her canned kitten food and/or hard kitten food for a little while and see how she does. If she still has diarrhea then she should go to the vet. A change in diet could also give her diarrhea for a day or two. If you are concerned give your vet a phone call and see what they say. IP: Logged |
Jamiya Member Posts: 1392 |
posted 09-22-2003 12:15 PM
I am more concerned about the lying around and not playing than the diarrhea. That sounds more serious to me. Although cats DO sleep a lot.
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cashpoly Member Posts: 15 |
posted 09-23-2003 08:51 AM
she drank water the first day I got her. but not much, then I gave her a little bit of milk. now she won;t drink water at all. also, how often should I feed it and how much, right now I'm feeding her 4times a day ( 160g can /day) is that too much? [This message has been edited by cashpoly (edited 09-23-2003).] IP: Logged |
Greypaw Member Posts: 83 |
posted 09-24-2003 06:50 AM
You can't give a kitten too much food. Let the kitten eat all it wants. Just keep an eye on it to make sure it is eating enough. Also kittens come in all sizes - some are bigger than others at different stages. I agree with Jamiya, the lethargy is something to be concerned about. Let the vet check her out. The diarrhea could be a symptom of something else. IP: Logged |
gflester New Member Posts: 2 |
posted 09-24-2003 08:05 PM
Hopefully your issue has corrected by now. If not please allow me to comment. I have taken in many stray animals over the years. I always immediately take them to the vet for a check. Three different vets have told me to never feed kittens canned food or any sort of dairy products because it causes diarrhea. Although kittens love soft food, a quality dry kitten food will give them the nutrition they need without aggravating their digestive system. Hope this helps. [This message has been edited by gflester (edited 09-24-2003).] IP: Logged |
cashpoly Member Posts: 15 |
posted 09-24-2003 09:06 PM
thanks everybody, the diarrah is definitly getting better but ti never played with me like she did the first day she got here.may be she misses her sister. you thing that;s why. they always been together since they were born, ... I think Ishould adopt the sister too.. just hope my mom won;t get angry at me... IP: Logged |
Jamiya Member Posts: 1392 |
posted 09-25-2003 07:13 AM
Have you tried playing with her by dragging a string (or something similar) along the floor for her to chase, etc?
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cashpoly Member Posts: 15 |
posted 09-25-2003 08:42 PM
she runs around all the time for nothing I noticed,, but never really play with me anymore. may be she needs more toys. I only have the one that came with her and a few things found around the house. she eats like crazy, I feed her almost 6 times aday and she;s still wondering around the kitchen, she even learned to lean againest the garbage bin today... I don;t want her to eat from the garbage bin , but it seems nomatter how much I feed her, she always wants more. IP: Logged |
Tashiquoi New Member Posts: 3 |
posted 09-25-2003 10:15 PM
I have had a similar problem with a young kitten! You must act fast! 1) You need to keep her hydrated! Go to the pharmacy and buy a 5ml syrenge and a bottle of pedialite. Try and give her a full 5ml 6-10 times a day. As much as she will drink! This is crucial. 2) Stimulate her appetite by giving her some high cal wet kitten food. Heat it up for a max of 5 secs in the microwave to increase the aroma of the food. If she can finish a spoonful all in one sitting, then gradually mix in her normal dry food (make sure it's a high end product, no friskies or iams shit) 3)Let her rest when she is tired, and play with her when she wants to play. Never disrupt her sleep. That is her recovery time! If she doesn't respond to treatment above in the next 2 days, you must go to a vet. No if's ands or buts. She could have a bug in her tummy, or a number of other problems that may need medical treatment. Good Luck! IP: Logged |
Tashiquoi New Member Posts: 3 |
posted 09-25-2003 10:21 PM
One more thing! Have you tried pumpkin pie filling? I know it sounds strange, but if you can find the natural, sugarless stuff, it's high in fiber, and will have that kitten pooping rocks in no time! Also, no milk! If you insist on milk, at least wait until she's matured a little, and even then, mix with 1 part water. IP: Logged |
cashpoly Member Posts: 15 |
posted 09-27-2003 08:54 PM
the problem now is not that much she doesn;t eat. she eats more than I do... the problem is that she doesn;t drink liquid, and I switched to dry food to see if there is a improvment on her diarrah, but that will be one less source of liquid in her diet. so I dropped a few pieces of dry food in her water bowl, and now I find out she gulps very loud when she drink ... would that be a problem?should I stop feeding her water??? what can I do to get water in her>??? IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 09-27-2003 09:20 PM
By now if she still has diahrea I would definately consult a vet. Do not stop giving her water. If her the dry food did not improve her diahrea then just go back to canned because she can get most of her water from eating the canned. Regardless, of what you feed water should be available to her at all times. IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 09-27-2003 09:26 PM
Another suggestion - Try adding a bit of warm water to her dry food, letting it soak for a few minutes (until its mushy) before giving it to her so that the kibble absorbs the water. This way she will not "gulp" trying to get the kibble out of the water but she will still get water from the soaked kibble. IP: Logged |
cashpoly Member Posts: 15 |
posted 09-29-2003 06:40 PM
thanks nern and everyone else. she;s drinking now. only problem is the diarrah, I called the vet, he says to wait until her next medication and see if anything changes, IP: Logged |
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