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Cats - all types Chatty Cat
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Author | Topic: Chatty Cat |
garith77 Member Posts: 85 |
posted 07-31-2003 07:03 AM
Does anyone have a chatty cat? I just got back from a weekend away and our new stay (cleo) won't stop talking. I'm at my computer and she talks in the hall and then comes in to lie down beside me. After awhile she leaves and starts talking again. We have only had her about 3 weeks now and my girlfriend is away on vacation, I took the other cat to my parents place. Do you think all of these changes have confused her? I check to see if she was injured and I filled her bowl but she continues to talk and talk and talk. Any ideas? IP: Logged |
Isis Member Posts: 139 |
posted 07-31-2003 02:56 PM
Its fairly normal some cats are just really noisy and like to talk to you. I have to admit some days i find myself meowing back! You cat could be a little upset at all the changes though, cats are creatures of habit, so could be meowing alot for reassurance. I would let your cat settle down a bit and try not to move her around so much and she may very well be a bit quieter. As for mine all three of them are always chatting away be it to me or each other. Its not really a pain once you get used to it. IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 07-31-2003 05:46 PM
My cat,Chieve, is very chatty. He is constantly making all kinds of strange noises. He does this when Im in the room with him and when Im not,while he is playing and when he wants attention. Its one of my favorite things about him. IP: Logged |
puck823 Member Posts: 34 |
posted 07-31-2003 05:49 PM
Other cat? If she is used to having another cat around she may be calling to her friend... IP: Logged |
sgs_jenjen Member Posts: 13 |
posted 07-31-2003 10:43 PM
Hi. I most definitely have a very chatty Siamese cat and I love having conversations with her. I always encourage her to say her piece and I suppose that's what I really like about the breed. They are really people-oriented. My two Abby's on the other hand, are quite chatty as well except much quieter in tone. If your cat is chatting with you, take it as a compliment since obviously your cat thinks you are worth a conversation. She obviously missed you and is letting you know it. It's also likely she misses her companion as well and is letting you know this. She sounds like a smart and personable cat. IP: Logged |
garith77 Member Posts: 85 |
posted 08-01-2003 03:40 AM
Thanks for all the comments, I'm having fun trying to figure out my new cat's personality. Since she was a stray I have no idea of her life before we found her. Its only been three weeks and I think her chatting has something to do with change. My girlfriend left for 2 weeks of vacation and I took my other cat to my parents for vacation as well. She might be lonely after everyone left. I had someone check in on her each day but I guess its not the same. IP: Logged |
Isis Member Posts: 139 |
posted 08-01-2003 09:51 AM
she possibly just got a little lonely and eas experiencing alot of upheaval in her life, or maybe she now feels more settled and relaxed and is able to show her true colors. I know one of my cats is upset when she STOPS chatting! IP: Logged |
Thorn Member Posts: 15 |
posted 08-23-2003 04:43 PM
when we first got our tortie she had an upper resp infection and had NO voice. it was pathetic... she would open her mouth to mew but no sound came out! she got better and eventually found her voice but didn't use it much. until we went away for over a week (got married and honeymooned) when we came back, she started talking to us (chastising, more likely) and she hasn't stopped since. that was four months ago lol... I do talk back to her, both in english and by echoing her meows. I've read this will encourage them, but I can't help it, I can't let her get the last word! IP: Logged |
fleafly Member Posts: 996 |
posted 08-23-2003 11:30 PM
I have some talkative cats. They don't meow a lot, but they like to trill. They run around the house trilling, especially when they are playing. Just depends on the cat. One of my cats makes little half meows at her toys while she is playing. But I have a couple that never meow. I like the trilling, its funny when they talk to their toys. IP: Logged |
Isis Member Posts: 139 |
posted 08-24-2003 10:12 AM
I love to talk to my cats... somedays I get more intelligent conversation out of them than I do out of my partner!!!!!!! IP: Logged |
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