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Cats - all types Odd Cat and Peeing Problems
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Author | Topic: Odd Cat and Peeing Problems |
BrutalYouth New Member Posts: 2 |
posted 07-23-2003 11:46 PM
I have the wierdest cat, named Spider, whom I got from some folks in the country. As a kitten, I litter trained her but my boyfriend wanted to keep her locked up in the bathroom at night to make sure she wasn't out pooing freely around the house. There was enough of a gap under the door that she could wiggle into my rommate's room, where she spent most of her time. She wasn't the cleanest roommate, but she was alright and Spider slept in her room everynight. After a bit, Spider (who is a female, just for the record) began to pee on my roommate's clothes, and eventually bed. We've had Spider for about 5 years now, having got her as a just-weened kitten, and she's progressed. She pees on my clothes, my towels, the couch, the carpet, the shower mat, anything you please. She never deficates, except one time, my friend lay his jacket on the floor and when we came back for it, Spider had pooed on it. This is exsasperating, obviously, and it's hard to keep my house from reeking. It's no way to live! I want her to stop, but I simply cannot appease her with clean litter. It's a regular thing (she just peed on my blanket) so it's not from any condition changes. I haven't got her spayed, is that a factor? Other: My fear of giving her away- IP: Logged |
iluvmypup Member Posts: 341 |
posted 07-24-2003 12:29 AM
what you need to do is get a good cleaner that's made for when animals go potty.scrub all the areas in the house where she went even your roomates room.that way she don't smell the areas where she went and go again. IP: Logged |
Daisy'smom Member Posts: 18 |
posted 07-24-2003 12:37 AM
I had a boy cat Benjamin that starting peeing in the closet. We got him nuetered and he stopped. Females and males who haven't been fixed like to mark their territory. You should have had her spayed a long time ago. She is used to this behavior now, but hopefully if you get her spayed she will stop. When you get her fixed make sure you clean the spots really well, so she won't smell the pee and want to go there again. N ot to lecture but responsible pet owners should always get their pets spayed and nuetered within the first year. I have a 4 month old and I am making him an appointment next month. It's the right thing to do. IP: Logged |
lucidity03 Member Posts: 201 |
posted 07-24-2003 09:07 AM
Have you checked to see if the cat has a urinary problem? My one cat had crystals in her urine and peed everywhere, right in front of our eyes. We took her to the vet and she had a severe urinary problem. They put her on medicine and she stopped peeing anywhere but in the litterbox. It wasn't too costly to get her on the medicine and it stopped our house from stinking. Hopefully you can find a solution to your problem! IP: Logged |
ilovemypets Member Posts: 401 |
posted 07-24-2003 09:09 AM
To clean the areas try a product called "orreck" do you have an orreck store near by? IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 07-24-2003 11:12 PM
Yes, not having her spayed could definately be a factor. It sounds like she is marking. First I would have her checked by a vet to rule out a UTI or any other health problems that may be causing this and then I would get her spayed. If money is an issue you can check out www.spayusa.org for low cost/free spay clinics in your area. Clean the soiled areas as good as you can with an enzymatic cleaner and get some feliway to spray around the house....you can learn more about it at www.feliway.com Good luck. IP: Logged |
Skrunch New Member Posts: 1 |
posted 12-19-2003 10:23 AM
I can fix your problem with one swift kick. If that does not work, it is time for the garbage bag. IP: Logged |
Samsintentions Member Posts: 944 |
posted 12-19-2003 01:09 PM
Skrunch!! thats the most awful thing I've ever heard!! Sham on you! leave this forum and please don't come back. We don't need animal abusers here or anywhere for that matter!!!! I hope the administrators kick you out for good! IP: Logged |
MaydaysMom Member Posts: 260 |
posted 12-19-2003 01:19 PM
I would definately take your cat to the vet to be sure it isnt a URI female cats are prone to them. You also need to get her spayed. She will continue to mark your house until you do. and Skrunch, everyone on here loves their cats very much. Comments like these will only reserve a swift kick and trash bag for you. IP: Logged |
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