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Cats - all types sucking/kneading
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Author | Topic: sucking/kneading |
lugseun unregistered |
posted 06-10-2003 07:28 PM
4-5 month old cat sucks relentlessly on my earlobes. She also kneads, and chews gently on my fingers. Will this behavior go away? I assume she was weaned too early, what can I do to relieve her of this behavior? IP: Logged |
Isis Member Posts: 139 |
posted 06-10-2003 08:01 PM
its because she loves you! She sees you as a mother figure. Some cats grow out of this behaviour some always do it, if you want to stop her doing it just put her on the floor everytime she starts. IP: Logged |
KittyCatLover New Member Posts: 6 |
posted 06-12-2003 07:46 PM
I think that's adorable! How sweet. Yes good advice would be to put her on the floor every time she does that. I wish my kitty was attached to me like that. IP: Logged |
woofdoggy Member Posts: 97 |
posted 06-19-2003 02:47 AM
Why do you want to stop her? My 8 year old kneads me sometimes when I cuddle him in bed. I think it's very sweet. IP: Logged |
katkrazy Member Posts: 68 |
posted 06-20-2003 09:48 AM
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who has adult cats that do that. My 14 yr still cuddles and kneads on me and she sometimes will suckle at my chin or ear lobe. I think it's sweet how she still lets me know she appreciates me. - Just gotta watch out for those claws...ouch! IP: Logged |
iluvmypup Member Posts: 341 |
posted 06-22-2003 09:54 PM
isn't that just so sweet how they do that i think it's one of the best moments of having a cat that's how they show their love IP: Logged |
dj Member Posts: 39 |
posted 08-28-2003 03:05 PM
Our cat does this to me at night while we are in bed. He always sleeps on my side all snuggled up right under my chin. I love it when he does this kneading and sometimes I roll over and let him do it to my back. Becasue he has 5 claws on all 4 it's like a mini massage. I LOVE IT. He is always purring when he does it so I assume it's a good thing he's telling me. He didn't start doing this until he was about 1yr old and he does it more often as years go by. ------------------ IP: Logged |
digitalredx New Member Posts: 6 |
posted 08-28-2003 04:15 PM
My cat (now 3 yrs old) was taken away from his mother too early and suckles and kneads as well. For the first year or so he did it a lot, and it was only slightly annoying when he would suckle so much that he got my pants all wet (he insists on laying on my legs). Now he still kneads, but rarely suckles, mostly just rubs his head all over and rolls around on my legs, purring his head off. If he suckles it is something about when I am wearing fuzzy pajama pants, like a fleece-type material, and something about that reminds him of his mommy or something! It is pretty cute, but don't worry I think your kitten will probably do it less over time like mine has. IP: Logged |
Isis Member Posts: 139 |
posted 08-28-2003 04:28 PM
All of my cats do similar though one is particularly attached to feet... weird but very very cute IP: Logged |
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