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Cats - all types cat with cold
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Author | Topic: cat with cold |
sarajane unregistered |
posted 05-28-2003 10:32 PM
Hi! My little Molly girl has a cold and I wondered if there was anything I could do to make her feel better at home? It appears to be viral in origin only (I will not go on antibiotics unless there is clear cause, too much reistance in our population as it is). Just some home remedies or some recipes for appealing foods would be helpful. Thanks for any advice! IP: Logged |
Greypaw Member Posts: 83 |
posted 05-29-2003 01:37 AM
Hi If Molly's symptoms arn't too bad then you might get away with just tender love and care, but be prepared to need those antibiotics! Does she have any favourite foods? Try smelly foods such as fish, and try heating it a little so make it more smelly. Vets usually sell a canned food that helps sick cats and is very paletable, you could try some of that. You will need to pay close attention to her hydration level (pinch test), and feed her small amounts often. If she goes without food for a day take her to the vet. Also pay close attention to her breathing, and her stance while resting. If she is resting on 'her haunches' and won't lie down comfortably then she proberly has fluid on her lungs. Don't be tempted to give her any human medicine as this is poison to cats. Also, note that cats are VERY good at hiding their symptoms and by the time you notice they are suffering they are usually in bad shape. Even with a robust cat, a simple upper resp infection can spread to become much worse. As a guide if she eats with gusto (or at least like normal) then she may be fighting it fine. Keep an eye on her. Good luck IP: Logged |
Isis Member Posts: 139 |
posted 05-29-2003 10:57 AM
I agree with Greypaw but if I might just add a couple of things, make sure you keep him in a warm, quiet and dry environment. If he is not eating then add a teaspoon of both salt and sugar to a pint of water and try to get him to drink that as it will keep his electrolyte balance up. Alternatively you can buy dialyte solution from your local chemist and dilute it FIVE times more than it says on the packet and give him this. My puss has just got over cat flu, he did have a short course of antibiotics but the didn't really do an awful lot except clear up the ulcers in his mouth. I guess cats are much like us they just need some TLC and time to get over it. IP: Logged |
sarajane unregistered |
posted 05-29-2003 11:01 AM
Thanks Greypaw, I am not extrememly worried for her because yes, she is eating with great enthusiasm and is still very much interested in the birds outside. Fluids are still clear and hydration seems to be fine. Thanks for the suggestions, we appreciate it! IP: Logged |
catNC New Member Posts: 2 |
posted 08-22-2003 07:08 PM
What about Chlamydia? I presents itself like a cold that dosen't go away. Talk to the vet if this has been going on for a long time. IP: Logged |
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