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Cats - all types Yet another peeing problem
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Author | Topic: Yet another peeing problem |
ssb New Member Posts: 5 |
posted 10-15-2002 01:21 PM
I just recently took in a cat that someone could no longer care for. He uses his litter box all the time. However I have found two places that he is peeing. They are both in the living room. He could be else where that I have just not found yet. I caught him once and I got onto him for doing it. My husband does not know that he is doing this and I would like to stop him before he finds out and possibly makes me get rid of the cat. One other question. Is there something I can put on my carpet to discourage him from going there? Thanks in advance! IP: Logged |
Sarah unregistered |
posted 10-15-2002 02:37 PM
Is he fixed? A male cat is going to pee on the floor unless he is fixed -- at least every male cat I've known of who wasn't fixed does that. IP: Logged |
Sarah unregistered |
posted 10-15-2002 02:37 PM
Is he fixed? A male cat is going to pee on the floor unless he is fixed -- at least every male cat I've known of who wasn't fixed does that. IP: Logged |
ssb New Member Posts: 5 |
posted 10-15-2002 02:55 PM
He is fixed IP: Logged |
ssb New Member Posts: 5 |
posted 10-18-2002 12:24 PM
SO this is wha tI have done so far with no luck. I have moved the box away from his food. I am giving him meds for a UTI. Plus only feeding him the recomended food I bought from the vet. Any other suggestion? If I clen the spots with vinager and water will it discourage him from going back to that spot? IP: Logged |
Sarah unregistered |
posted 10-18-2002 02:15 PM
If he is fixed and the urinary tract infection medicine isn't helping, I think it must be behavioral. Perhaps he's still adjusting to a new environment or any other animals in the house. Try to "think" like him - what might be bothering him??? A cat's "bathroom" traits is one of the few ways he can express his displeasure at something. Anything that you clean your floor with that is too harsh smelling, is going to leave an odor that your cat will hate. He will then pee over it to try and cover the smell up. I wouldn't use anything other than a traditional product to clean animal stains. If you catch your cat going on the floor you can tell him "no" very firmly, move him to his litter right away and possibly even spray him (a little) with water. But if you don't catch him until after the deed is done, he won't know why you are angry. My best advice, since you've ruled out something being physically wrong, is to give him as much love, cuddling time, play time, etc as possible. Just give him a lot of attention so he feels welcome and comfortable. I hope this works for you!!! I've been in situations like this and I know how frustrating it is to have a cat go through this. But my cat eventually changed his ways with time and is now going in his litter regularly. No more peeing on the floor. Just thank God that it isn't anything physically wrong! Good luck!! IP: Logged |
ssb New Member Posts: 5 |
posted 10-18-2002 02:20 PM
Thanks so much for your advice Sarah. IP: Logged |
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