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What plant is the best?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Ellie, Feb 18, 2005.

  1. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    Hello, I was wondering what the best fake plant to put in my fishtank. My fishtank is under 10gallons. Last night when I looked into my fishtank I saw something floating. I wondering what is that? But when I got closer it was just my plant that floated up. Then I coudln't find my goldfish. Then I noticed he was tankled up in the plant. I untankeled him and he was dead. Before he died another of my goldfish died of Ich. I have one goldfish left and I dont want him to get straigled in the plant. I took out the plant just in case it happens again. So what plant is the best for my fishtank.

  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    best fake plant? go with whatever one you like and that fits in your tank......as for your goldfish being tangled up in it, what kind of plant was the fake one supposed to represent b/c i have never heard of that happening.
  3. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    Never mind thanks I think it just came out of the rocks.
  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    oh, alrite...if thats what happened, u can buy little weight things to hold plants down....that or you can get a little rock and rubber-band the plant to it to keep the plant from floating.
  5. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    Thankyou for the help,I got a new smaller plant and fish. I just covered the plant with rocks,It's working great. Thankyou grnlemonade! :wink:
  6. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    yea, no problem......your welcome
  7. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Hi Ellie,
    The real culprit here is the 10 gallon tank. I'm afraid that 10 gallons just isn't enough water for even one goldfish. They are not a beginner fish and are more suited to live in ponds outside. The plant didn't kill the fish, it was the lack of water and water quality. Hopefully you are running some type of hang on the back filter and doing regular water changes of 40 or 50 percent. Try to keep the water clean and don't overfeed.

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