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Rosey Barbs - Reproduction?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by ceveretts, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. ceveretts

    ceveretts New Member

    Hi everypone for the record I'm not new here. Something must have gone wrong when I transferred my info here last month! Well anyway I have had many baby guppies and molly's in my day, even had an angel lay eggs without effort, but I have never seen my Rosey Barbs pregnant?!? I got her 2 friends and she is now bulging! It looks like she swallowed a ball! It has been about two weeks since I noticed it and she looks uncomfortable now! What will make her more comfortable to have the baby's? Do they have live young or do they lay eggs? Any info would be appreciated. Thank-You! :roll:
  2. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    I'm pretty sure they're egg layers, but other than that I have no clue. Sorry. :roll:
  3. ceveretts

    ceveretts New Member

    Rosey Barb- Reproduction?

    Thanks Tina1! I thought they were egg layers but I wanted to be sure because she is getting sooo huge! She must not like any of the tank decor to lay her eggs in! Does anyone have info on where they typically like to lay their eggs?
  4. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

  5. ceveretts

    ceveretts New Member

    Rosey Barb Going To Explode! PLS Help!!!

    Please does anyone know what could be wrong with my rosey barb! She still hasen't laid her eggs and I'm concerned because I have never seen a fish get sooo fat! What do they normally like to lay their eggs in/on, in the wild?!? Her stomach is now white from stretching and she is at least twice her normal size. It looks like I can see veigns or something through her stretched body. Please help! Anyone. Thank-you. :cry:
  6. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    Well sounds like Dropsy to me, but not sure. Try checking website. It could be a disease.
  7. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    Are you absolutely sure its carrying eggs? I had a female betta with symptoms exactly like that not too long ago and it turned out to be dropsy. If you look at the fish from the top, does it seem like the scales are sticking out? Is the fish eating? I would really suggest going to the lfs fast and grabbing Maracyn and Maracyn 2. These were the meds recommended to me but I was too late by the time I found out how sick my fish was. If you can post a pic do it, that will help us determine what her condition is.
  8. ceveretts

    ceveretts New Member

    Rosey Barb- Reproduction?

    Well, the fish is gone! I don't know for sure what happened. It could have been Dropsy. Last night I was reading about that as well as furunculosis. I could not notice any scales sticking up like pinecones, or a specific bump(s) though. I'm so sad! I thought she was just pregnant for sure because of the new tankmates I had gotten her a couple of months ago. She got large a couple months after they were put into the tank. She was eating all along so that assured me that she was O.K. This morning there was a hole in her abdomen and she looked thinner but was dead and stuck to the filter intake. Does that sound like dropsy for sure? I've never had to treat that before. I suppose I should treat the tank with something as I read it "may" be contagious. What would the best thing be for treating the tank? I have melafix and salt and dessafin on hand are any of them strong enough? I guess I know what I will be doing all day... EMERGENCY CLEANING!!!! (OH, JOY! OH FEET STOP DANCING!!!) What are the early warning signs of this disease? I want to be sure nobody else has it. The only info I had was the bloating and soon after death! I think I need to become a marine biologist to figure these less common diseases! Thank -you tina1 and J_acon for your help. I appreciate it. I should have posted a picture but I don't know how. I had taken a couple digital pic's yesterday because I thought it was a little "fishy!" At least Melon is in fish heaven now and not suffering! :cry:
  9. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    Sorry to hear about that ceveretts! I will relate to you my experience with dropsy:

    Day 1: I noticed the female betta appeared to be twice her normal size. But she swam and ate just like normal so I didn't worry about her. My mom (her betta, not mine) and I assumed she was full of eggs and as we had her with a male that we might soon be parents.

    Day 2: She got even fatter and her scales started sticking out. I started to worry. By the end of the day she was turning a greyish color as opposed to her regular purple.

    Day 3: The betta developed a white band around her mid section and it looked as though she was starting to shed her skin the way that snakes do to accomodate her large size. This was the day my research paid off and I learned it was dropsy. She was still eating though and my mom wouldn't let me medicate her because she was convinced she was just full of eggs and would be fine.

    Day 4: Woke up to a betta corpse. All grey, the scales still looked to be coming off of her. Poor thing :cry:

    So basically I heard that there are two schools of thought on dropsy. One says its contagious the other says its not. I beleive it is not contagious. I learned that the primary cause of dropsy is age. When a fish gets older its organ aren't as efficient and fluids start to build up inside the body. The organs can't process these fluids fast enough to get them out so the body begins to swell. This causes the scales to pinecone and if treatment is not immediately provided the fish will die. Death can take from 5-15 days of the first symptom. Now, I don't think its contagious because none of the other fish in that tank have suffered from dropsy. In fact in the weeks following the fish's death everyone else seemed super healthy. The two other bettas were doing just fine. We did a thorough cleaning just in case but no other fish has developed dropsy.

    Just my experience, I would definitely do a really good cleaning today if I were you. But hold of on the meds unless you see other fish exhibiting symptoms. I wish you the best of luck!
  10. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    Sorry about your fish and i don't have much experience with dropsy, i just had some parasites and went to read about diseases and after reading your post i thought it could have been dropsy. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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