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Need some advice about my horse

Discussion in 'Horses - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    I got Enzo about a year ago, he is a 9 year old Thouroughbred, great horse. I use to ride him in the arena and take him on trails. Everytime he has been on a trail ride, as far as I know, we have been riding with someone else as well. Well I ended up moving Enzo to my friends ranch, he seemed a little lonlely being the only horse but there were llamas there too. A month later the owners of the ranch got a horse and Enzo and this horse became really good friends, living in the same corral, they love eachother. Enzo has been a much happier, relaxed horse at the new place, things that bothered him before ( brushing his girth area) dont bother him anymore.

    After the new horse came I went back to school and couldnt come out to ride Enzo, the ranch owners daughter leased him from me but she never rode him. He did get riden a couple times by the owner of the ranchs friend, they took both horses out together. About a month ago the lease ended, I came to see Enzo who hadnt been riden in like 2-3 weeks, I took him on a walk around the area with my friend and my friend was walking a llama. I expected Enzo to be hyper, but he was perfect, no problem, when we approached the driveway coming home he whinnied for his horsie friend and he got happy, but that was it. So just recently I have had time to ride him, so for the first time at the new place I rode him, I walked him down the driveway and we were walking to the trails, he would walk super slow, whiney, and stop....it was hard to get me to get him going but I made sure I did, he did this all the way until we got to the trails, then he picked up the pace, still whinning , but since we were in the trails there was no whinning back, about halfway down the trail he just stops, and i cant for the life of me get him to move forward, instead he moves backwards, walking off the trail, nothing i do can get him to move forward, he is basically trotting backwards at this point. I had no crop on me at the time, I decdied to head back and try agian the next day with a crop. He was fine walking home, just fast walk but he listened to me.

    Next day I hop on him and he is hesitating going down the driveway and this time he starts the backing up thing on the road! I had a crop and it wasnt working, since we were on the road and cars kept coming it was dangerous, so I decdided to hop off and make him move forward, so I took the reins and made him walk forward, using the whip if he stopped still and wouldnt move, he kept whinning agian too, he kept stopping, trying to back up but I got him to moved forward and walked him all the way to the public arean, at that point I put him in the turn out and let him relax, and do what he wanted, we actually ended up playing, it was cute.

    I tacked him back up and rode him home, going home agian he was fine, he walked fast trying to trot sometimes but he listened to me and this time made no noises.

    He doesnt seem to like being alone off the ranch. Im hoping time will help this and consistancy on my part. Im wondering though if anyone has any advice?? I really want to ba able to hop on him and take him on a trail ride without him trying stop and walk backwards.

    Any advice would be appreciated, sorry this is so long,, oh and I dont have anyone who can ride with me on the other horse, they all work during the week.


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