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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

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  4. Live Spirulina

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is it safe?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by OneWolvesDream, Apr 25, 2004.

  1. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    i have a 24 gallon fishtank, 2 neon tetras, and 2 painted tetras (i dont support dying but i never knew) ok now i have had my fishtank for a month and i was talkin to a friend of my parents, he has worked with fish for his whole life and he sudgested that i got some real plants from a local lake and he said i could also take some neon tetras that are in those waters to. now im not sure about this. i really want the plants but im not sure if it is safe and i want the tetras but i dont want them to harm my fish.

    so is it safe to use fish from a local lake and the plants from the local lake.....plz help
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    no, its generally not a good idea to take plants/fish from a lake. if u do, u run the risk of introducing harmful bacteria or parasites. if you are going to get any plant or fish, do so through a LFS or a friend. dont catch anythnig from the wild.
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Personally, I wouldn't do it. You run the risk of introducing all kinds of parasites and other illnesses to your tank if you catch fish from the wild. And if you get plants from the wild, chances are you're also going to bring home all kinds of snails (which will eventually overrun your tank), worms, and who knows what else.

  4. fishy_chick

    fishy_chick New Member

    The bacteria and illnesses that could be introduced into your tank are true, but my first thought of your message was about you taking fish from the lake and putting them into your tank. These fish are probably very happy in the lake. I dont know how big this lake is, but I'm sure that it's a lot bigger than your aquarium! I just dont think it's right to take an animal from the wild and put it into a small tank or cage.
  5. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    thats what i thought (about the fish) but my parents friend was sayin oh, its fine, its fine but i dnt like the idea of it. i read something on gow you can soak the plant for a day or two and add ick sickness solution and salt for freswaterand all thaat stuff to get rid of it. he said it would be fine because he did it evertime he got fishes and nothing bad happend! so im still not sure
  6. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    If you get the plants, put them in quarantine for a while before you move them to your tank. 8) same for the fish if u catch them and good luck if you decide to go for it, wild fish are hard to catch.
  7. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    probolem solved! :eek: i went to my local petstore and got algae eaters and i found out the local petstore just stocked up with plants for only a dollar 99! so i got 2! than i convinced my dad to buy me more fish and i got 2 platies thanks 4 all the help!
  8. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    :y_the_best: Not a bad solution

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