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I need lots of help with a new puppy.

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by mamato2cuties, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. mamato2cuties

    mamato2cuties New Member

    I have had a puppy before, but it's been a while. I got a 9week old beagle on Thursday. I was just needing some reliable resources on house training, proper feeding amounts and how often. How often I should take him out, the proper way to crate train. Basically I want to know everything I can about raising this puppy. Since I have brought him home he has done nothing but while. If I am not holding him, he is whining. He whines when he is in the floor playing, outside going potty, eating, whatever he does, he whines. I can't help but feel I am doing lots wrong and just want the best for my little guy. Thanks for any help.

    I should add I have two kids, so when he is in his crate at night I have to have him in another room so be doesn't wake them. Should I set an alarm and take him out every few hours during the night too?

    Sorry I put this in the wrong forum.

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