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Author Topic:   A sad Story
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Registered: Mar 2004

posted 03-19-2004 06:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kimberly     Edit/Delete Message
Let me tell you a very sad story that might make someone do the right thing and take their dogs to the vet no matter what. I am an animal lover its as simple as that, I picked up a chihauah off the road who had been hit by a car and I took her to the vet to the tune of $2,000. she is the best pet I have ever had, now for the sad story, I picked up a momma dog and three puppies who were starving and covered in mange from the side of the road and took them home. I decided since we are not wealthy either and I am still paying back the money to the vet for my chihauhua (cannot spell it) that I would try to take care of the mommy and pups myself, I loved them, they were so sweet, I named the momma Duchess (she was a mixed breed and very large) and the pups Lexy, Ebony and Precious and we started dipping them in store bought solutions, I am crying as I write this over my stupidity so LEARN from me, the mange SEEMED to be getting better but the pups seemed to be getting sicker, I knew I could not afford to take them all to the vet but I should have contacted a shelter, two of the pups
staggered into the road and got killed, I was heartbroken but the worst was yet to come, because of me not taking them to the vet my CRAZY neighbor shot and killed the mother dog telling me it was for her own good! That is the way folks are in the country, they do not think of an animal as needing love and help just that its diseased. Now I am without my Lexy and Ebony and the Momma Dog Duchess is dead because of ME! I took the only pup left to the vet and she has Scabies, its costing $200.00 for her treatment! The vet is working out the payment plan and rolling it into what I owe on Tinkerbell my chihauhau. If ONLY I had done this when I had all my strays ALIVE! They would probably still be alive and on their way to recovery, now I HAVE to live with what I have done!!!
Please take your dog to the vet, our pets are members of our family and they depend on us!!!

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Posts: 926
Registered: May 2003

posted 03-19-2004 08:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for honeybear     Edit/Delete Message
Kimberly, you did your best for these pups, so please dont beat yourself up over this. As for your neighbor, what an SOB! I would report him. And just htink of your chiuaua (sp?) your have given him a good home

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Posts: 944
From:Columbus, Tx ,USA
Registered: Dec 2003

posted 03-19-2004 08:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Samsintentions     Edit/Delete Message
Its hard, Take it from me. I'm goin broke as we speak. As of yesterday, I'm almost $400 negative in the bank! I'm lucky my vet supports what I do and can supply me with what I need for the animals. And I have a wonderful boyfriend who helps out continuously!.

Of course this wouldn't have happend if not for my stupid *** employers...I have direct deposit. Goes in every thursday. Well, I got the confermation slip in the mail Saturday (I always wait for that slip, before writing ANY checks!) Well, need less to say, I wrote 5 checks, all bounced because it wasn't there....sooo add the $27.50 for the charge, and wham. Happens everytime....Oh I'm ticked, and they claim there is nothing they can do. So. I have taken what I have out of savings....and I'll just have to grin and bear it.

LIke I said before, Unless your is financially stable, or have funds, don't try and be a hero, take what you have, or found to someone that can take care of it.

You'll feel better about youself, for knowing that you did what you could, and now they are somewhere where they can be cared for.

I hate people that just don't care. But you obviously do. Don't beat yourself up about it. You did what you could, and those other idiots should see that. They aught to be shot, not killed because then they wouldn't learn their lesson, when they are sick. Thenyou can tell them, "oh well I thought it was best, I guess I'll have to shoot you again to put you out of your missery."

Ha then they'd know how stupid they were!

Please don't really do that, I was just making a point!

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Posts: 29
Registered: Feb 2004

posted 03-19-2004 12:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kathy74     Edit/Delete Message
You took them in and showed them love, that's alot already. They obviously didn't even have that till they met you! God bless you and feel did what you could

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Posts: 813
From:Santa Maria, Ca.
Registered: Nov 2003

posted 03-20-2004 10:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for     Edit/Delete Message
Hi! I'm so sorry you went through all that agony, due to a GOOD HEART! You tried! too many wouldn't even do that! Hold your head up! and God bless you for having a heart of gold...

How dare that man for shooting mama dog!!! I don't get some people and never will....

Sincerley, Susan

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