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  New kitten and aggression! HELP.

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Author Topic:   New kitten and aggression! HELP.
posted 05-15-2003 07:57 AM           Edit/Delete Message
I recently brought home, (or rather rescued!) a small tabby kitten, that seems to be about seven weeks old. She is very smart, (started to use the litterbox right away)and gets along well with my other kitty,who is going on 5 years. The problem is this, This kitten is a terrible biter!!
If you hold her she attacks your hand! And I dont mean in a playful way.
She is aggressive in a mean sense, scratching to the point of drawing blood on my boyfriends arm. Please dont get me wrong, she is a little sweetheart when she is not in that dreaded playful mode. And she is still a baby, so I am trying to convince myself she will grow out of it?
But I dont know if she will. But if we keep her And if she gets worse, it will be harder to find her another home. Can any one suggest anything? Her teeth are like razers!! Thank you,


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From:NY, USA
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posted 05-16-2003 01:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for nern     Edit/Delete Message
Some cats just don't like being this the only time she bites?

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posted 05-16-2003 05:47 AM           Edit/Delete Message
No, she climbs up my boyfriends pants leg, then she will sit on his leg, behaving like an angel. Then within 3 minutes, she turns around and bites him. And when she gets to her toys, (stuffed mice, super balls, She starts growling like an angry wildcat.
I hate to ask this, but what are the signs of distemper? Is that possible? She is a true dr.jeckel and mr. hyde! The Mr. Hyde, is sadly what we are seeing more of every day

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posted 05-16-2003 10:13 AM           Edit/Delete Message

I have a cat who also gets nasty tempers. You could be patting her one second and shes purring like theres no tomorrow and then wham! she biting for all she's worth. I just learned to respect that and move her away when her fuse has blown.

I don't know anything about distemper...sorry.

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Registered: Apr 2003

posted 05-16-2003 11:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Isis     Edit/Delete Message
Your cat does not have distemper. Symptoms of feline distemper usually show up within a week and a half of exposure to the virus. Sick cats often run a high fever, accompanied by apathy and loss of appetite. Vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain may also be present. So that ruled out it sounds like she just has a short fuse, some cats are just like that and you learn to love them for who they are.
My Mom's cat bites and claws to get sttention, something her learnt from a young age. I guess in the end it is just their peonality.

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posted 05-16-2003 11:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Isis     Edit/Delete Message
and wow that was the worst spelling ever

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Registered: May 2003

posted 05-17-2003 11:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Greypaw     Edit/Delete Message

Its sounds like you have a perfectly normal kitten! Its ok for your kitten to get excited and growl and hiss with toys, just get out of the way when she really has fun with her toys.

When she nuts out on your lap she is testing her boundaries and hasn't learnt that humans are so thin skinned. You need to teach her that she is hurting you by yelping/crying like a kitten everytime she hurts you and withdrawing you hand (when she lets it go). Don't ever punish her for hurting you though, because she won't understand.

At this point the kitten is very young and is adopting you and your boyfriend as surragate litter mates. Kittens play very rough with each other, and she needs to learn than humans are alot more delicate.

I used to have a cat I gave up teaching and just used a glove to pat him with. He would tear into my glove and play like mad for ten minutes before finishing exhaused. He would then sit happily on my lap for hours (no gloves) and sleep on my pillow at night. So even if your kitten refuses to play nice with you, it dosn't mean she will always be nasty to you.

Good luck and don't give up

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Posts: 13
From:Anaheim, California, USA
Registered: May 2003

posted 05-23-2003 04:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mandeee     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks everyone for your inout
Here is an update. We now call her baby, and she is turning into a beutiful cute little brat! (and I say that with love)!
We took greypaws advice and just "got out of the way" when she starts her WOW playing. Now she comes to us when she wants attention,
And if she starts to get agggressive, biting,sctratching, we simply say no and put her on the ground, or we just ignore her. It works, at least for now. And she is a FUNNY little kitten! I have never seen a cat that plays like she does! So vocal! And very smart! She is a joy. Keep you updated on little baby. Thanks every one!!

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